Hi Mechanic, we're plodding forward...not much activity here, but I also posted on a yahoo group called "The Mod", it was a group dedicated to the Farmer Dave freq mod, but the kits are no longer being offered and Farmer Dave has disappeared. There's been a fair amount of discussion and activity there with the 'duino though so you may want to join.
As things get hashed out and we can provide instructions for specific radios I'll post them here.
I've seen the CB to Ham group but you must be a ham to join...I just passed my Tech license last week (aced it!
) and my call isn't in the database yet, so I can't join until I get it.
Things are moving along, but I'm a little tied up right now fixing up my parents house for sale (they've both passed), studying for my General license and doing some overtime at work.
I have it running on an Arduino Nano, though I had to stop doing a direct port write because the Nano serial chip inverts the rx tx lines that I use for P0 and P1. I just went to a sequential write of digital ports 2-8, works fine.
I'll be working on interfacing to the channel selector next.
I'm actually wondering if we shouldn't start a group or section on some forum for Arduino ham projects - this is a good project, but there are also many projects spread across the net that it would be nice to have in one spot. Things like automatic keyers for beacons, cw reader/writers, power/swr meters, antenna analyzers, heck even a programmable antenna rotor, etc. would be fun! Lots of applications for 'duinos!
A DDS VCO has been discussed a bit. It's a bit over my head at the moment, but it is on my to do list. I wish I could speak Spanish, there's a couple videos on YouTube where they used an AD8950 with a 'duino on a Cobra 148...that mod should be adaptable to other similar radios if we could get some specifics in English.
There's also a video from last fall where someone interfaced an Arduino to a CB like we're doing, I kinda chuckled though as his setup is kinda scary looking, just lots of wires and stuff. He's went old school and is using a parallel lcd interface and stuff, for $5 more you can just use I2C with power, ground, SCA and SCL. He also put leds for the address port. Nice for a visual, but not really necessary as you can just do a port read and display it on the lcd. His doesn't do much but go to the lowest possible frequency and jump to channel 1 when he flips a switch and there's been no updates since.
Anyway, we're moving forward, come join us on the group or keep an eye here for the more polished releases.