Thanks guys for all the kind words. It is always good to hear these types of comments, especially in a world where it is all about ourselves. What happened to the Patriotism of the past? There was a time when soldiers were honored for there service. Today, it just seems as though nobody cares. I don't know how things have gotten so messed up in this Country. And now to take "In God we trust" off the new $1.00 coin. It has become a society of Panzy A**,Self serving youngsters with no respect for themselves or the Peers. What kind of world do we live in when you have to worry about what you say so that you don't affend anyone, or worry about being sued. A country that gives more rights and funds to Illegal Imigrants but, allows our own people to starve or deny them services. I can't imagine what it will be like for me kids as adults or my Grand-children for that matter. There was a time that when you came to this Country, you had to take English. now we have to write everthing in Spanish and they don't even have to learn English, we have to learn Spanish. Just listen to an automated answering machine some day, you have to press one to hear it in English, not press one if you want to hear it in Spanish. If you don't press one, it goes automaticly to Spanish. Oh my God! I better stop now before I go into a three page rant. But, you get what I mean. I'm sure. No let me clear things up. I am no predjudice, nor do I dislike Immigrants but, I do believe that if you come to my Country, you better learn to speak MY language. Also became a viable asset to the system, not just take. Be proud to be an American. Nuff' said