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A 50watt 148?? Good lord diamond jim! Id like to see that! Ive never seen one do more than 20 and that was a blown out mess. Mine does 18 and I'm happy
I have an idea for an Ebay product. A "MOSFET buyer's remorse" kit.
Would include a new bipolar final, likely a 2SC2078 and all the parts that get removed from the original circuit before the MOSFET mod, to restore the factory final circuit.
Would probably necessitate a disclaimer that the audio transformer and audio power chip are the buyer's problem if they are croaked.
I find this debate about mosfet finals interesting. Ive got a couple 29s with mosfet swaps they run good, draw slightly less current for the performance. I will say that i never see the watts the shops see. I run at 14 or 15v and my mosfet swaps do 30 ish on a bird 43p. I also have cobras with stock finals that do 35 so what does that tell me?
Remember folks, its not that serious. Its a cb radio. Its not the space shuttle. Sometimes if it works, its good enough.
Mosfets are pretty much our only option nowadays so I will get with it as best as i can.
I've searched all corners of the earth that is accessable via internet for instructions on how to do a MOSFET conversion in a 23 channel cobra 29 and ofcoarse that information does not exist anywhere except maybe in somebody's head who is too old to remember.
There's not even a discussion or forum anywhere in social media mentioning the 2 things in one paragraph together.
I would like to think that such information has never been shared because there could be a bit more butchering of the radio to make it work compared to a modern radio.
I really am not a fan of MOSFET conversions it's just that I have the old cobra 23 channel I really want to talk on that is missing it's stock final output TR and all I have is IRF520N MOSFETs.
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