im looking to ad some fire to my wire..can i drive a 2 pill amp or do i need to get a 1x2 or 4x..i have a stryker 440 that pep about 50 watts..any suggestions on makes or models..
It seems that we all were talking about 2x2879 amps, not 2290's.. Even though I've seen that work..At 50W PEP, you will need a 4 X 2879 amp. 2290's are too lo-drive even with four, and a 2 X 2890 might be over-driven. A good choice would be the TS DX-500.
At 50W PEP, you will need a 4 X 2879 amp. 2290's are too lo-drive even with four, and a 2 X 2890 might be over-driven. A good choice would be the TS DX-500.