I know, there are a lot of people that will quickly say yes and move on. I was once one of them.
I note that it is interesting that no one that said tuning for "resonance" is always the best has been able to actually show this. They believe it to the core and can often give hypothetical examples, but no one has ever actually demonstrate this, and they refuse to question this belief. Here I am doing just that.
I have, for a while, been saying that resonance is not the determiner of an antenna's peak gain, although I have been somewhat careful with my wording because I am aware that when I say this, I am going against the grain, and because of that, even here on wwdx, people will sometimes trash you or discount what you are saying or just call you an idiot.
The thing is, I don't tune antennas like most others. While I do use an antenna analyzer (I currently use a NanoVNA) I tune the antenna based on field strength, not where one variable or another is whatever. This has led me to a different view of what is going on that most people never actually see. I have been doing this for quite some time, and have been posting about this for several years on this very forum, as well as others. There are maybe two others at most that I have ever seen even refer to field strength.
Now I'm not saying other methods are wrong. You want to tune for X=0, the you have my blessing. The same goes for SWR. I'm just saying that what you will see from doing these are different than what I see when using field strength, that is all.
To start I am going to post a graph. This graph is a center fed dipole mounted 30 feet off the ground. It is made out of copper, an the frequency used is 27.2 MHz. The graph shows the gains from approximately two feet shorter than resonance to approximately two feet longer than resonance for a change of four feet from one side of the graph to the other. It is important to note that the resonant point is not in the direct center of this graph but offset a bit, as is SWR.
Here we see gain go from 7 dBi at the antennas shortest length to 7.2 dBi at the antennas longest length. There is no peak at X=0, instead the curve continues like nothing has happened.
The numbers on the left are for gain, the numbers on the right are for X. Here we clearly see where X crosses X=0 line and we see what the gain is at the point.
I also did the same with SWR for those that want to see it.
I will point out that the low SWR point and where X=0 are about an inch and a half apart from each other. They do not line up on this antenna. Also, it is hard to see on this graph, but the SWR low point is 1.55, which makes sense for a center fed dipole at this height.
So far, this is what you would expect to see for SWR and reactance if you plugged the antenna analyzer directly into the antenna. However, most real world installations have something else in play, namely coax. This is fine for what I have shown, but to show accurate data on what happens to said gain, I have to include the feed line. Unfortunately, to do this we need to do some additional math... I used Open Office Calc (an Excel clone) to do this math.
Yep, it was a pain in the... And that isn't even all of it.
To start with I am going to take the first graph and re-scale it so I can better show what happens after we add coax to the mix. The only difference is the scale on the left side of the graph.
Now lets add some coax. The antenna is 30 feet up, so lets add 35 feet of LMR-400 to run straight down to the radio below.
We see how the coax effects gain. Its hard to see here, but peak gain does not line up with either SWR or X=0, and is in fact on a longer part of the antenna then either of those. Not much longer, but longer none the less.
We also see that the very small amount of losses in this coax (0.222 dB into a perfect match) has more of an effect on peak gain and the overall gain curve than very large changes in X (which scales from almost -150 to over 100).
Now lets add in a longer section of coax, in this case 100 feet of LMR-400. I'll leave the 35 foot length in as a comparison.
Here we see more of the same. In this case, 100 feet of LMR-400 (which has 0.635 dB of loss into a perfect match), the peak gain point is actually on the other side of the X=0 point and is approaching the low SWR point. Making the coax longer will simply push the peak gain length closer and closer to the low SWR point.
For comparisons sake, 18 feet of good quality RG-58 has 0.358 dB of loss. This is the best you can expect to see with most mobile antenna (read magnet) mounts that you buy with rare exception.
For base antenna comparisons, 100 feet of good quality RG-213 will have 1.049 dB of loss. This amount of loss is right at about the upper limits that I try and use. Anything beyond that and I really try to convince the person I am working with to get a better feed line.
As someone who uses field strength as the primary method of tuning antennas, I have seen this very thing happen time and time again. The coax you choose affects field strength in general, as well as peak gain, more than anything else out there, including SWR and X. The changes to performance seen even over what is a very wide range of X values pales in comparison to even a very small change in coax losses.
Now to put one last lens of perspective on all of this. On all of the comparison charts I listed above, you won't actually notice the difference in real world performance no matter if you choose X=0, the low SWR point, or the peak field strength point for tuning an antenna. The difference between all three of these points in all of the charts above is so insignificant that you aren't even approaching anything you will ever notice. In fact, you would have to increase the differences in the worst case scenario by many orders of magnitude to ever get close to seeing such a difference. This is why I have said on multiple occasions to tune to whichever you see fit, and don't worry to much about it. Performance wise you won't benefit from changing how you tune your antenna. That being said, there is the benefit of you potentially learning something new, and while that may not necessarily help your antennas performance, you may become better at working with them over all...
The DB
I note that it is interesting that no one that said tuning for "resonance" is always the best has been able to actually show this. They believe it to the core and can often give hypothetical examples, but no one has ever actually demonstrate this, and they refuse to question this belief. Here I am doing just that.
I have, for a while, been saying that resonance is not the determiner of an antenna's peak gain, although I have been somewhat careful with my wording because I am aware that when I say this, I am going against the grain, and because of that, even here on wwdx, people will sometimes trash you or discount what you are saying or just call you an idiot.
The thing is, I don't tune antennas like most others. While I do use an antenna analyzer (I currently use a NanoVNA) I tune the antenna based on field strength, not where one variable or another is whatever. This has led me to a different view of what is going on that most people never actually see. I have been doing this for quite some time, and have been posting about this for several years on this very forum, as well as others. There are maybe two others at most that I have ever seen even refer to field strength.
Now I'm not saying other methods are wrong. You want to tune for X=0, the you have my blessing. The same goes for SWR. I'm just saying that what you will see from doing these are different than what I see when using field strength, that is all.
To start I am going to post a graph. This graph is a center fed dipole mounted 30 feet off the ground. It is made out of copper, an the frequency used is 27.2 MHz. The graph shows the gains from approximately two feet shorter than resonance to approximately two feet longer than resonance for a change of four feet from one side of the graph to the other. It is important to note that the resonant point is not in the direct center of this graph but offset a bit, as is SWR.
Here we see gain go from 7 dBi at the antennas shortest length to 7.2 dBi at the antennas longest length. There is no peak at X=0, instead the curve continues like nothing has happened.
The numbers on the left are for gain, the numbers on the right are for X. Here we clearly see where X crosses X=0 line and we see what the gain is at the point.
I also did the same with SWR for those that want to see it.
I will point out that the low SWR point and where X=0 are about an inch and a half apart from each other. They do not line up on this antenna. Also, it is hard to see on this graph, but the SWR low point is 1.55, which makes sense for a center fed dipole at this height.
So far, this is what you would expect to see for SWR and reactance if you plugged the antenna analyzer directly into the antenna. However, most real world installations have something else in play, namely coax. This is fine for what I have shown, but to show accurate data on what happens to said gain, I have to include the feed line. Unfortunately, to do this we need to do some additional math... I used Open Office Calc (an Excel clone) to do this math.
Yep, it was a pain in the... And that isn't even all of it.
To start with I am going to take the first graph and re-scale it so I can better show what happens after we add coax to the mix. The only difference is the scale on the left side of the graph.
Now lets add some coax. The antenna is 30 feet up, so lets add 35 feet of LMR-400 to run straight down to the radio below.
We see how the coax effects gain. Its hard to see here, but peak gain does not line up with either SWR or X=0, and is in fact on a longer part of the antenna then either of those. Not much longer, but longer none the less.
We also see that the very small amount of losses in this coax (0.222 dB into a perfect match) has more of an effect on peak gain and the overall gain curve than very large changes in X (which scales from almost -150 to over 100).
Now lets add in a longer section of coax, in this case 100 feet of LMR-400. I'll leave the 35 foot length in as a comparison.
Here we see more of the same. In this case, 100 feet of LMR-400 (which has 0.635 dB of loss into a perfect match), the peak gain point is actually on the other side of the X=0 point and is approaching the low SWR point. Making the coax longer will simply push the peak gain length closer and closer to the low SWR point.
For comparisons sake, 18 feet of good quality RG-58 has 0.358 dB of loss. This is the best you can expect to see with most mobile antenna (read magnet) mounts that you buy with rare exception.
For base antenna comparisons, 100 feet of good quality RG-213 will have 1.049 dB of loss. This amount of loss is right at about the upper limits that I try and use. Anything beyond that and I really try to convince the person I am working with to get a better feed line.
As someone who uses field strength as the primary method of tuning antennas, I have seen this very thing happen time and time again. The coax you choose affects field strength in general, as well as peak gain, more than anything else out there, including SWR and X. The changes to performance seen even over what is a very wide range of X values pales in comparison to even a very small change in coax losses.
Now to put one last lens of perspective on all of this. On all of the comparison charts I listed above, you won't actually notice the difference in real world performance no matter if you choose X=0, the low SWR point, or the peak field strength point for tuning an antenna. The difference between all three of these points in all of the charts above is so insignificant that you aren't even approaching anything you will ever notice. In fact, you would have to increase the differences in the worst case scenario by many orders of magnitude to ever get close to seeing such a difference. This is why I have said on multiple occasions to tune to whichever you see fit, and don't worry to much about it. Performance wise you won't benefit from changing how you tune your antenna. That being said, there is the benefit of you potentially learning something new, and while that may not necessarily help your antennas performance, you may become better at working with them over all...
The DB