I was thinking of trying to swap my 9/10 condition Icom IC-706MKIIG and AT-180 auto tuner for a Yaesu 847 "Earth Station." Is this a fair swap straight across? Why or why not?
"worth it" part is subjective, and really applies to what you want or need in a transceiver.
Based on current HRO pricing......
Icom IC-706MKIIG = $929.95
Icom AT-180 = $364.95
Yaesu FT-847 = Price not available, model discontinued 2005
With the IC-706MKIIG you know what you have, what it will do, how well it is built.
What do you know about the FT-847......?
E-Ham Review Summary Yaesu FT-847......
Highly recommended!
Great Rig !
Satellite Radio w/ HF Afterthought
Excellent when applying some mods
Nice general purpose radio
Great VHF rig, OK HF rig
Excellent VHF/UHF and satellite rig
works good for it's designed purpose
A good compromise
Not the best CW rig
Key Clicks
Not superb=OK
Excellent bang for buck
This is just a cross sampling of the posted reviews on E-Ham.com, before you make a trade you should go there and read all the reviews as some are good, and some are not so good. Most every rig has it's benefits and it's weaknesses, you have to decide what it is you want the rig to do most, and whether that particular rig will fulfill your needs, and not leave you wishing you kept the one you traded away for it......
Another question you have to ask yourself...."Why did Yaesu discontinue this model"......?
If the radio was really as good as some claim, why didn't they continue to make it.....?
Not really an answer to your question, but some food for thought.....