It looks like one of the many Palomar clones.
With all the transistors sharing a single fin on the heat sink and the remainder unable to dissipate any heat, I was wondering if he had considered selling the board separately so it could be installed on an appropriately designed heat sink or if he had any plans for a better heat sink in the future?The builder just received the pcb in those recently and they utilize the latest Palomar mosfets. Nice little boxes and he even backs them with a nice warranty. I've got some pictures of the internals I'll share soon. The pcb's are clean and the traces are really nice compared to other mass produced you see these days. Output is generous too. The cases are the same ones that have been used for years by several of the "Palomar" clones but they're sufficient in dissipating the heat produced. I personally know the fellow that builds them as he's a fellow Texan as well, good honest guy trying to make a living most of us.
I have one of those "Palomar" clones here for repair and the way this one is laid out is fine. Some knuckle head took this brand new amp and hit it with 100 watt drive signal and really smoked it. It knocked the plastic potting compound clean off of the FET's.With all the transistors sharing a single fin on the heat sink and the remainder unable to dissipate any heat, I was wondering if he had considered selling the board separately so it could be installed on an appropriately designed heat sink or if he had any plans for a better heat sink in the future?
This was a "Palomar" clone was labeled as a "Black Cat". 4 watt maximum input drive for the black cat. I still have this amp here as an example of what I will not bother to fix.
I have had some real garbage come in and people were hoping to fix it cheap. When you smoke one this bad you almost have to replace every single semiconductor in the unit. Hell even the LED's are smoked.That's a good way to be, I suffer from too many dumbcussions though and therefore, I'll tackle anything, even when I know better. Which results in more dumbcussions..
Try buy from Palomar. The inside of the box pictured above has a bunch of flying wire inside which can cause reliability problems. Things should be bundled and tied back.I been trying to find a wholesaler to get these things from, both Rocket Box and RM, no luck yet though. Texas Star isn’t hard to acquire but those little boxes seem to be.
Here's a bare board and some boxes. Surface mount 1 9530 driving 4. He does the unbuilt kits so you could install the board in whatever box you'd like I guess. He'll build them with whatever name you want so before long there will be many clones out there.
What's worse is when they say I don't care what the cost is fix it because it was a gift from my Grannykins and then they crayfish when you present the invoice.Boy howdy. They’re like “yeah I figured it wouldn’t cost that much”. Been there. Done that. You’re right, cut your losses ahead of time and just say no.
That's a problem for sure. The wife's hobby is one that is difficult to sell the finished product. She weaves scarfs and shawls from prime materials. Alpaca, fine wool and sari silk, and the items are perfect. Alpaca yarn cost between $15 and $50 per skein and some of these shawls take three skeins. Add her time even at minimum wage the shawls will cost around $600.00 for the top tier product.. The shawls are truly woven on a triangle loom and each thread is hand placed. The scarfs are done on a traditional loom and does nott take that much time to weave, but you have make your warp and draw it through the loom and then wind up on the supply roller.Yeah I'm gonna try buying direct, maybe that'll work out, we'll see. I know exactly what you mean about someone saying fix it regardless of cost and then they stand there looking at you like you're an alien or something when you give them the repair ticket. I mean, don't rip people off but don't give your time and knowledge away for nothing, even if it's limited knowledge.