Want it to stay straight? Guy it. Not a 'total' cure. The problem with a 'bendy' antenna is that theres almost a constant variation in SWR due to the bending. Limit the bending and you limit the changes in SWR. Does that put additional stress on the mount? Sure, but not hugh amounts unless you hit something, like trees, which is going to be a problem with ~any~ tall antenna. Just a matter of what you find livable.
Are there shorter antennas that do as well, or almost as well as the tall ones? Yes and no. For all paractical purposes there really isn't all ~that~ much difference. Some sure, but if you don't care to hear the "thump - thump" of a tall antenna then the difference isn't going to make much difference. Back to the radiation pattern thingy again, and band conditions...
- 'Doc