Yes but if you do the same thing you get the same results. We can all sit on 38 make as much noise as possible and work the same stations, requiring more and more power to do so.
I thought I agreed with you vkrules
I understand both sides here.
Hams use that phrase to let new people know that it's not necessary to run high wattage to shoot DX.
...this statement could be made when a person is considering running a large amp, to let that person know that it isn't necessary to run 1-15KW of output to work DX.
Just need to be persistent.
You are certainly entitled to disagree. Like I said, I don't even play ssb, but you obviously haven't read some of the great posts made by other members here either.On first impression, I think I mostly disagree with 359.
Yes and no. Just sitting here listening to the same old west coast stations talking to the same old Australian stations .And thinking what it would be like if we were all limited to 10 watts and didn't use a call ch.
Dxing on the regular 40 channels on AM versus SSB is like night and day. I never tell someone to go ahead and try if they are on AM. If they have an SSB rig then I do. You say you tried SSB and didn't like it. I can't imagine what's not to like about it. Better distance. Less noise and congestion. Different crowd to mingle with. Much easier to DX but alas, it's not for everyone.