Well, is it a newer style aluminum capacitor? estimate how old is it? if its another paper cap and just as old as that radio, like a pull from something else, then that might not be the best idea, but a aluminum cap would be better in place than that paper cap so since you have it on hand, if you have a lcr meter then you could check to see the real value. I would swap it out (if its a newer cap), as it probably has a slightly higher value than the original paper cap does. I have tested a vast number of capacitors I have pulled from tube radios restorations from the 1960's era and most of them are 25-70% out of tolerance. The average is about 35-40% from what I seen. yeah replace that cap with 80uf or higher, I prefer to use 100uf for all my cap change outs for the high voltage power supply B+ rails as they are a more common value for a brand new replacement part from mouser and will help the unit perform a touch better, I noticed less noise and reduced hum (pretty much gone, it was bad with the stock cap cans) on my titan 2 from my internal speaker when I upped the cap values from 47uf to 100uf, but since yours is a 80mf cap you probably wont notice any change if you changed it out to a single 100uf/450v like I did because I changed (3) 40mf caps, so I added 159uf capacitance (spec wise, real world it was like around 150uf when I measured) in comparison to you only adding additional 20mf if you go up to a 100uf from where you are at. If you have room you could fit in (2) 100uf's, this could be beneficial as I found out on other radios. I have never used a M2 personally, I don't know how bad (if any) any of the hums/noise coming from speaker, etc, please enlighten me is it a noisy radio like the titan 2 can be?
Well, is it a newer style aluminum capacitor? estimate how old is it? if its another paper cap and just as old as that radio, like a pull from something else, then that might not be the best idea, but a aluminum cap would be better in place than that paper cap so since you have it on hand, if you have a lcr meter then you could check to see the real value. I would swap it out (if its a newer cap), as it probably has a slightly higher value than the original paper cap does. I have tested a vast number of capacitors I have pulled from tube radios restorations from the 1960's era and most of them are 25-70% out of tolerance. The average is about 35-40% from what I seen. yeah replace that cap with 80uf or higher, I prefer to use 100uf for all my cap change outs for the high voltage power supply B+ rails as they are a more common value for a brand new replacement part from mouser and will help the unit perform a touch better, I noticed less noise and reduced hum (pretty much gone, it was bad with the stock cap cans) on my titan 2 from my internal speaker when I upped the cap values from 47uf to 100uf, but since yours is a 80mf cap you probably wont notice any change if you changed it out to a single 100uf/450v like I did because I changed (3) 40mf caps, so I added 159uf capacitance (spec wise, real world it was like around 150uf when I measured) in comparison to you only adding additional 20mf if you go up to a 100uf from where you are at. If you have room you could fit in (2) 100uf's, this could be beneficial as I found out on other radios. I have never used a M2 personally, I don't know how bad (if any) any of the hums/noise coming from speaker, etc, please enlighten me is it a noisy radio like the titan 2 can be?
I bought the cap to put in a browning mk3 to make a long ping and never used it....its this type.