From his post:
I mainly only want to talk in the band/bands the
Majority of the Lowest Class technicians such as my self talk.
Does the Technician Class cover the lower 48? Or will I need General?
28.000-28.300 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data--Maximum power 200 watts PEP
28.300-28.500 MHz: CW, Phone--Maximum power 200 watts PEP
And some CW only spots in other bands.
Since you want to "talk" 10 meter is your only option for your license, and range depends heavily on conditions, not power, today the 10 meter was open and with 10 watts ( minimum output of the FT 2000-D) i spoke to Canada.( from the Netherlands)
Every amateur band has it's own propagation and conditions, 10 meter is mostly limited to local qso's except in sporadic E or Solar related conditions as now, world wide contacts are no problem.
Summer/winter also plays a role in what band and what frequency will open on which time of the day or night.
Want to use the full spectrum, go for the higher license.
I mostly operate on 160 the winterband with less noise on the northern hemisphere.
Power isn't the main ingredient, antenna, antenna antenna...... power is one of the last bits in the equation, propagation, band choice and antenna.
All we have to learn here for our licenses.
Yes i can make 1000 watts here, but 99% of the time i'm between 10 -225 watts the FT 2000 - D delivers.
Hope to have answered your Q, if not do ask further, don't hesitate to ask, that is how we learn.