I am not trying to talk you out of getting an HT as your first ham radio! I am saying that there are disadvantages to them compared to other types of radios.
The first is that they are small, not exactly the easiest things to learn how to use both physically or 'mentally'. My fingers are larger than most button on an HT. I also hate menus, mainly because I can't keep track of them all, and where things are.
If you carry an HT much, get used to the idea that you will need more than just one or two batteries, and a charger. You'll find that out the first time the little @#$ dies on you when you don't want it to.
Probably the 'biggy' (besides allthe other biggies) is that the furnished antenna is almost never going to be 'good enough' to satisfy you. An HT is meant to be convenient and portable, which are two characteristics directly opposite of a 'good antenna'.
There are more 'things' that can aggravate the owner of an HT. Probably that they are expensive. And just what does that particular 'bell-n-whistle' do that I need it so much?
HT's also have some very nice qualities! The first one is that they are portable and convenient. How convenient jsut depends on the user and how they do things. They make a very nice 'second' radio, as far as I'm concerned. That part is up to you.
And lastly, the brand/model of HT is completely up to you. You really don't want to get me started on that! Cuz everybody knows... If it ain't Kenwood, you got squat!
- 'Doc