Thanks for sharing these detailed reviews. I'm on the verge of ordering one of these, and this is exactly the type of info that I want to understand before I pull the trigger.
I have an FTM-350R in my car, and that works well, but its missing a few key features. Unfortunately, this has a few missing things that the 350 has... seems like there's no perfect APRS rig yet.
I have read the D72 manual quite a bit, and have the following questions about the issues you mentioned.
My first issue is that there is no way to mute the APRS traffic without changing the receiver balance so that all audio is directed to VFO B. The Yaesu radios implement a feature called "APRS MUTE" which does just that when you have the APRS function turned on. There is no such feature on the TH-D72, but there needs to be one. It is a hassle to have to set the audio balance in the menu every time you decide to use APRS and then remember to reset the balance back to normal when you want to use VFO A for voice.
Can you set a CTCSS Tone for the APRS VFO to essentially mute the APRS traffic? (This could be set on an APRS memory, so that tuning to other memories on this VFO would automatically "un-mute").
I've read that on some APRS rigs that setting a tone blocks out the receipt of packets (in addition to blocking the audio output). But since the D72 has a feature called Voice Alert, which requires setting a CTCSS tone, I would think this shouldn't be a problem here.
My next issue is with the way the received stations' beacons pop up. I would like to be able to turn the popup off, but there isn't a way to do that. When using APRS, you ALWAYS have to be bothered with the popups, even if you don't want the alerts. In reality, sometimes I want the popups, and sometimes I just don't want to be bothered by them.
I agree this would be very annoying. The first setting i made on the 350 was to turn off all the beacon pop-ups.
According to the manual, you have a little control over what packets you see & how long they are displayed.
Menu 3 U1 - Interrupt Time sets how long the pop-ups are displayed. Is there any way to set this to zero to disable pop-ups?
There's also, Menu No. 3 U0 - Display Area, and Menu 3 BO - Position Limiter, to limit what stations info is captured. Unfortunately, this may also cause the stations to not show up in the station log, in addition to suppressing the pop-up.
You can also set what type of packets generate a beep via Menu 3NO Sound - RX Beep.
Let me know if any of this works. If so, it will make my decision much easier.