The Kenwood has all mode recieve on the H.F. bands too, for most an reason to get the Kenwood for listening in while away from home.
With an decent speakermike the audio is decent and if you perform the mods i did in the engeneering menu wich needs opening up the radio, things can be drastically improved.
I got it 2nd hand for an good price, and works fine since the last 2 years.
For hollidays i use the FT100 to work the world wit an homebrew FD-4.
The Kenwood gives acces to the local French repeaters for an chat.
For home use it is mostly used on work organising business fairs etc.
I have an dual band in the van running 75 watts on 2 and 50 watts on 70.
At home the Yaesu FT 847 with Collins filters is used with the Heathkit SB-1000 amp, and an few homebrew 2 and 70 amps with an few 100 watts.
For size the older Icom Q7 here with yaesu speakerphone sees the most use, even 300 milliwatts lets me reach the local repeater 18 miles away wich i am part of the team doing maintenance on ( 2/70/23 cm) and beacons.
Both H.T's use aftermarket antenna's.
As you see, it is an personal choice.
The best transciever is the one you use