Been trying to pound that into people's heads for years. A lot of amateurs stop adding ground radials when the SWR on their ground mounted vertical hit 1:1. I tell them to keep going until they see something more like 1.4:1 or so or better yet use an analyzer to watch the impedance and shoot for 32-36 ohms. The small SWR is nothing and the antenna will be much more efficient.
1:1 VSWR = resonance
resonance happens only at 1:1 VSWR
Trim the vertical 'till it's 50 ohms input (I'll watch)*
Trim that half wave dipole to 1:1 (again , I'll watch)
Then almost right, the center feed point impedance of a dipole sufficiently above ground is 75 ohms so (yeah here is where they loose their way...) the feed point impedance of a ground mounted or mobile mounted antenna is 75 ohms because the ground or the car body forms the other half of the dipole.
^^^Ii resort to Maxwell and they refuse to read it because they know what they know and don't need to be confused or bothered by the facts.
Big coil mobile antennas. Low loss at best , bling at worst and nothing magical in the slightest.
My current favorite...
If you have to use a tuner you don't know what you're doing.
If you don't use a tuner you don't know what you're doing
Explain a OCFD > Guanella Balun (4:1 w/ current choke in this case) > Approximate 66 to 80% of 130 ft feed point to a windo licking , back of the bus, flat match trimming, VSWR worshiping, multiple of half wave feedline, ugly balum, drunken , drug addled, mouth breathing, just passed my General exam (note: I'm the one that gave you the exam moron) and watch his eyes glaze over , roll up into his head and his extremities begin to twitch
We have much to overcome and the above motivates me rather than frustrates. .
* Had to get back to this soon or I'd forget. Curiously if you add length rather than subtract it in this case you actually end up approaching 50 ohms out of resonance at about 1/4 wave plus 15 to 18% . Now shunt feed it, better yet add capacitive hat. Seems backwards but it works. YMMV