Feeding the amps with president Bills I am going to turn them down the truck will have 102" stainless whip the Jeep will have a double barrel skip shooter. Not sure idf I should get rg8x, rg58? Also red some of the Chinese cables on amazon are not very good any recommendations on brands. Truck has a Belden mini 8 cable from 2006 still in it so I may reuse it.
Well not withstanding general aging due to weather and the elements. Beldin is legit. I use Beldin rg8x mobile. Scored a big roll a ways way back.
We just did some tests on Jetstream rg8x and Christ a Light. It's total crap. Even for HF.
So go to DX Engineering and get some of their rg58 or rg8x 'Jumpers" At your power class rg58 is just fine, but in the real world either one pinch or smoosh the same going out a car door for example.
The 102" whip is the best mobile you can run. If you put the time in to match it to the install.
Even in the center of your roof they aren't a 50 ohm impedance.
So it's completely possible you'll need to trim it shorter. However it's more common that it needs to be longer and a big ass 6 inch spring will help you there.
I run a 102" whip mobile for 10m. I had to use a spring (You should anyways) and then trim about 2.5 inches off. On top of that. I had to calculate an "Electrical" wavelength compensated for the velocity factor of the coax. Once I had that completed I have a damn near flat match from 29.000 down to high CB band.
Every antenna install in unique. I also have my Tundra RF grounded though. Every panel is tied into something else twice with 1 inch RF braid. As well as the mounts on both sides of the tailgate being tied in down under the bumper with RF braiding.
My ridiculous setup isn't the point. Just be prepared to tune the 102" whip. You'll most likely start out at a 2:1 match possibly more.
I'd keep the carrier drive power to your 203's at a watt. Or maybe less.