since 95% of "radio technicians"
( and I use that term loosely ) from coast to coast Produce results virtually identical to this
without having a clue of what they are doing, and the receive is terrible on those particular radios it would be logical to conclude that because they have no clue about a transmitter how could they possibly have a clue about a receiver?
No, I asked how you can claim to measure the neg's beyond 100% without making an extremely limited approximation ((guessing)).
But yeah, if they have results like that for TX, we could assume they would "fubar-whack" the RX end. That's true enough.
Guess I read your post wrong.
That said, if they left the receiver alone, factory it can't be too far off, use-able at least..
Maybe they are using uncalibrated equipment or don't understand the alignment process, one is left to wonder...
Those guys in the group you mention aren't changing the audio section caps; unless they read it online somewhere... Even that won't wreck RX in the AM only radios i'm thinking of.
More likely they snip the diode or pull the TR('s), not measuring anything, most of the guys doing work like that in the picture, they can solder and have seen some tricks and copy it.
They won't know how to align the radio to spec, they may not have the equipment to do it or they don't understand many technical details beyond that they can identify components and google the CBsecrets to find what to clip.
It's not a science you know, making a radio "swing". Not to those guys, they are delusional, completely and utterly obsessed with the watt meter. Now if they can tell you peak to peak voltages and measure everything, and they understand amplitude modulation to a degree. Then it can be scientific, but these swing thing tunes are RARELY in a "clean manner", when they are done correct; You've found a Technician with some understanding.
IMO "Tech Work" like in the picture above is done by guys that are not the type to be able to look at a schematic (and a few datasheets) and envision a modification purely from experience or understanding; simply put, they are not versed enough and lack understanding. (Unless they think a square wave is good, then they are still delusional imho, harmonics and distortion should not be the goal)
Surely I am no expert, far be it for me to critique others' work; but you really can see who has no clue what-so-ever, and someone who at least knows a little bit, and then you see some really impressive "technicians", often times they are older Amateur operators.