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'Kramer' Spews Racial Slurs at Hecklers

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Unit 194

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2006
New Jersey
POSTED: 5:21 p.m. EST, November 20, 2006

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Michael Richards stunned a comedy club audience by shouting racial epithets at people who heckled him during a stand-up routine.

The 57-year-old actor-comedian, best known for playing Jerry Seinfeld's eccentric neighbor, Kramer, on the hit TV show "Seinfeld," was performing at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood Friday night when he went into the verbal rampage.

A video posted on TMZ.com shows Richards launching into the tirade after two black audience members started shouting at him that he wasn't funny.

Richards retorted: "Shut up! Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f------ fork up your a--."

He then paces across the stage taunting the men for interrupting his show, peppering his speech with racial slurs and profanities.

"You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now mother------. Throw his a-- out. He's a n-----!" Richards shouts before repeating the racial epithet over and over again.

While there is some chuckling in the audience throughout the outburst, someone can be heard gasping "Oh my God" and various people "ooh" after Richards uses the n-word.

Eventually someone says: "It's not funny. That's why you're a reject, never had no shows, never had no movies. `Seinfeld,' that's it."

Richards performed the next night at the Laugh Factory without incident.

Calls to Richards' representatives were not returned Monday.

He refused to comment on-camera when reached by CNN, but the network reported that he said off-camera he felt sorry for what had happened and had made amends.

Seinfeld issued a statement saying he was "sick over this."

"I'm sure Michael is also sick over this horrible, horrible mistake. It is so extremely offensive. I feel terrible for all the people who have been hurt," Seinfeld said.

Comic Paul Rodriguez, who was at the club, said he thought Richards' remarks crossed the line.

"Once the word comes out of your mouth and you don't happen to be African-American, then you have a whole lot of explaining," he said. "Freedom of speech has its limitations and I think Michael Richards found those limitations."

Comedian George Lopez told Los Angeles television station KTLA he thought Richards' lack of stand-up experience may have been a factor.

"You have an actor who is trying to be a comedian who doesn't know what to do when an audience is disruptive," Lopez said. "He's an actor whose show has been off the air, he shouldn't ever be on a stand-up gig."

What the hell was Michael Richards thinking???


Sometimes one simply gets sick and tired of their loudmouth bullzhit and ya' just have to let 'em have it with both barrells. Plain and simple. It wasn't the appropriate place and time for him to go off, but he must have had enough of their smack, and gave it to 'em with emotional, passionate rage...
He'll get burned alive for this. But, after all, he's just a Honkey, Cracker, Whitebread, WitheBoy - and only Whitey can be racist.
:lol: Sarcasm at the end, their fellas.
You want to see absolute hatred and racism? Go into many of the all black, or all mexican inner city areas at night. Then you'll see just how hate is administered. Oh ya, you probably won't make it out alive. :wink:

Now, have a good day, LoneWolf TN
I personally think everybody is a racist one way or the other. Yeah sure , we can all go around saying were not , but it's far from the truth . We are not perfect people and it has been apart of all of our lives since we came out of the womb. My better half is Mexican and I live in So.Cal(IM white ,fat,bald and 40 something) , with all that crap that has been going on , IM basically pretty quite at home. Folks only "think" they know what they know when in reality , they are so wrong it's pathetic, IM so sick of hearing about the N word over the years !! Don't matter , IM racist if I use the word black or if I say Mexican .Make up your God damned minds !! IM not going to be politically correct. I mind my own damned business and take care of my own , I don't give a rats a$$ about Manny ,Moe or Jack Black , I have enough problems within my own life to contend with. I can't even watch the news anymore , if I do ,I feel like throwing a brick through it !! If it's important enough , I'll hear about it. I honestly do not have the answers to this racist bull$hit in the world ,but I would certainly think it's about time folks got over it. Im sick and tired of hearing the everybody done me wrong song !! You don't want the racist bull$hit ? Stay on your own God damned side of the railroad tracks and shut your fucking mouths !! ....keep your own side of the court clean. I will continue my best to treat others the way I would want to be treated. OK !! So it doesn't always work but for the most part ,it works for me. IM not easily offended by the grace of God !! Hopefully I know a little better for my own well being. Tom and Katie got married !! and thats' the number 1 news at 11 !!!! what's wrong with this world !!! Who honestly gives a $hit about that ? !!! The same goes for the comic who said the N word !! and this is what peoples "little" minds feed on ?? Now that's scary to me. and you wonder why O.J. is a free man ! spare me the bull$hit !! Yeap !! The same people that feed on the nonsence of life are the same ones sitting on those juries and letting guys like Jackoff walk !! Your next door neighbors !! yeap !! IM a racist !! I love them and hate them equally.....but then again ,IM really not to much into the hatred thing , hate killls the hater the way I see it (you know that feeling you get within when you feel somebody did you wrong ?) far as IM concerned ,that don't feel to good..disliking would be more comfortable to me.....or just plan ole live and let live tends to work for me. Life is short people , and moaning and groaning about the state of affairs within your lives and around them are what they are , I certainly hope as short life is ,that it doesn't get to wasted on the bull$hits of life. Kind of like this..my bad )-:
'Kramer' Apologizes for Racist Tirade

POSTED: 9:49 p.m. EST, November 20, 2006

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Michael Richards said Monday he spewed racial epithets during a stand-up comedy routine because he lost his cool while being heckled and not because he's a bigot.

"For me to be at a comedy club and flip out and say this crap, I'm deeply, deeply sorry," the former "Seinfeld" co-star said during a satellite appearance for David Letterman's "Late Show."

"I'm not a racist. That's what's so insane about this," Richards said, his tone becoming angry and frustrated as he defended himself in a clip from the show played on CBS before "Late Show" aired Monday night.

Richards described himself as going into "a rage" over the two audience members who interrupted his act Friday at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood. Richards responded to the black hecklers with repeated use of the "n word" and profanities.

Jerry Seinfeld, who had issued a statement saying he was "sick over this horrible, horrible mistake" and calling it offensive, was scheduled as a Letterman guest Monday. He encouraged Richards to make a satellite appearance to talk about the incident, a CBS publicist said.

"I'm sure Michael is also sick over this horrible, horrible mistake. It is so extremely offensive. I feel terrible for all the people who have been hurt," Seinfeld said in a statement.

Richards, 57, who played Seinfeld's eccentric neighbor Kramer on the hit 1989-98 sitcom and whose major credit since was a failed 2000 comedy, hadn't spoken publicly about his remarks before the "Late Show." Calls to his representatives were not returned Monday.

That is a pretty "lame" excuse/apology.
"Awwwwwww, he said a bad word, I gonna go tell momma......"!

Give the guy a break, this does not rise to the level of character impeachment.

It was stupid (he probably had a couple of shots of Jack to loosen up), period. end of story.

I agree w/ Paws. People lose it sometimes, shit happens, the guy apologized, leave it at that.

I seriously doubt the guy is a racist, but unfortunately I think switch is right--the reptile brain is within all of us, our humanity stems from our ability to reason and reject the reptilian impulse. When people are under stress, that's when the beast sometimes escapes momentarily.

Fight for the positive choice!
I think they got exactly what they deserved. They knew they were wrong to do what they did, they just didn't think that he would go ape shit on them the way he did. Why else do you think they left in such a hurry? They were in the wrong....they knew it and they got the hell out there as fast as they could after he let em have it because it embarrassed them and made em look bad to every one there that night. Put you self in Richards shoes and tell me that you would have bit your tongue!

I wonder if this would have even made the news if it had been a black man up on stage that night responding to a few white guys who were talking and heckling him his entire set?
A video posted on TMZ.com shows Richards launching into the tirade after two black audience members started shouting at him that he wasn't funny.

Richards retorted: "Shut up! Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f------ fork up your a--."

He then paces across the stage taunting the men for interrupting his show, peppering his speech with racial slurs and profanities.

"You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now mother------. Throw his a-- out. He's a n-----!" Richards shouts before repeating the racial epithet over and over again.

While there is some chuckling in the audience throughout the outburst, someone can be heard gasping "Oh my God" and various people "ooh" after Richards uses the n-word.

Just because two black audience members started shouting at Michael Richards because they thought his stand-up routine wasn't funny, doesn't give him the right to shout racial epithets.

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right..............
They got what they deserved......I also agree that everyone is racist in some way. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are the two biggest racists in America
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