I used the 606 to set up a radio for a Vet that took shrapnel in Nam and spent the rest of his life only being able to move his head back and forth. His father at the time and this was over 40 years ago ask me if there was a way to make it possible for him to use a radio as the only way he could is if someone keyed the mic and held it up for him. Well, I bought 30 feet of tower and 65 feet of coax a Royce 606 and fabricated a mechanism around his lift cage that would allow him to just turn his head to the right to talk and to the left to change channels with an amplified boom mic so he didn't have to talk very loud. I could not believe his reaction you would have thought that he suddenly was able to walk again the first time he transmitted and a trucker came back to him he looked at me with eyes I will never forget. He has since passed but Royce gave him a reason to smile for about 8 years before he passed and the best reason I had to like Royce this radio made it easy to help this warrior.
If you never do another thing worthwhile in your time here on Earth, you are still WAY ahead of most of us. I salute you, sir.