Finally got around to digging up my last sonar fs2340.
I plugged it in. Let it warm up for 30 minutes then put it on the air.
It dead keyed 2 1/2 and had nice upwards to 10.
This is one of the two out of three that are unmodified (clipper board not bypassed).
Im a bit rough with my equipment and would hate to scuff or knick this rig in anyway.
I've decided to sell it and hope someone's looking for an fs 2340.
I will take many detailed photos within the next two weeks and post them on the cb swap/sale area of this site.
I'm not positive of the asking price yet. If no one bites I will list it on Craig's list in nj for local pick up.
The one I currently use has the clipper board bypassed and is used with a demco modulator. It has a couple of Knicks and would hate to scuff or knick this one.
If there's any marks on this one you'd need a magnifying glass to find them.
Thede pictures are of it out of storage (since 86) and un detailed.
I will clean it up then post pics of the inside and out.
I will also make a video. I'm not going to give it away and may entertain a trade in the event no one buys it.
I'm using it with an unaplified d104 (depending on the agreed price it may or may not be included).
I will use it for a few more day's to make sure nothing fails (very doubtful of anything failing). Then I'll list it. If anyone's looking for a tube rig buy one.
wheather it's a tram, robyn Browning or any of the other one's made from the 60's through the late 70's.
you won't be disappointed. Most of them are not only gret talkers but Imo the recive is so much nicer than the transistorized rigs of that era. My sonar obsession comes from the fact that the sonar radio corp. was less the ten miles from my childhood nabourhood and my first tube rig was a 2340 given to me by the infamous Artie Windjammer. It's amazing how childhood memories can influence one's grown-up choices.
I plugged it in. Let it warm up for 30 minutes then put it on the air.
It dead keyed 2 1/2 and had nice upwards to 10.
This is one of the two out of three that are unmodified (clipper board not bypassed).
Im a bit rough with my equipment and would hate to scuff or knick this rig in anyway.
I've decided to sell it and hope someone's looking for an fs 2340.
I will take many detailed photos within the next two weeks and post them on the cb swap/sale area of this site.
I'm not positive of the asking price yet. If no one bites I will list it on Craig's list in nj for local pick up.
The one I currently use has the clipper board bypassed and is used with a demco modulator. It has a couple of Knicks and would hate to scuff or knick this one.
If there's any marks on this one you'd need a magnifying glass to find them.
Thede pictures are of it out of storage (since 86) and un detailed.
I will clean it up then post pics of the inside and out.
I will also make a video. I'm not going to give it away and may entertain a trade in the event no one buys it.
I'm using it with an unaplified d104 (depending on the agreed price it may or may not be included).
I will use it for a few more day's to make sure nothing fails (very doubtful of anything failing). Then I'll list it. If anyone's looking for a tube rig buy one.
wheather it's a tram, robyn Browning or any of the other one's made from the 60's through the late 70's.
you won't be disappointed. Most of them are not only gret talkers but Imo the recive is so much nicer than the transistorized rigs of that era. My sonar obsession comes from the fact that the sonar radio corp. was less the ten miles from my childhood nabourhood and my first tube rig was a 2340 given to me by the infamous Artie Windjammer. It's amazing how childhood memories can influence one's grown-up choices.
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