Welcome Ray119!Can you tell me how you hooked up the primary side of this transformer. I'm trying to istall the same transformer into my SB-1000 and cannot fighure out the primary side for 240 volt.
The one remaining item on the modification wish list is to beef up protection for the meters. A current surge from a bad tube can damage either or both meters. A back-to-back pair of diodes will do the job as a rule, but I would rather have a 'sacrificial' 1/4-Watt resistor in line with each meter to serve as a fuse. This is still a work in progress. Ought to write up the rules for protecting analog meters this way.
Looking for a transformer for AL-80A amp.If you run into anymore of these. I have 2-3 of these brand new transformers.
Looking for a transformer for AL-80A amp Bill K3HZP.If you run into anymore of these. I have 2-3 of these brand new transformers.
If you run into anymore of these. I have 2-3 of these brand new transformers.
Where does the Black wire from the relay go? And the transformers black wire ?So here is the hookup for 240 Volts only. No jumper wires are used on the barrier strip at all.
240-Volt only hookup, no jumpers are used on the barrier strip.
Tie strip term color
2 Brown
3 Black wire and orange wire
4 Brown-white stripe and gray plus one violet fan wire
5 Black/white stripe, fat black wire from relay and the other violet fan wire
The transformer's "buck" winding (orange and gray wires) takes the place of any jumpers that the old transformer used between points on the barrier strip.
I recommend hooking an AC voltmeter across the filament pins of the tube socket before you power it up this way. Should read 5 Volts AC plus or minus a quarter of a Volt. If it doesn't, the hookup has a problem.
Thank youI'll take a peek inside and refresh my memory about that.