Then that job must be full of surprises when skip condition are in.
LOL Yeah but I think the issue really more about high near- field strength in the volts per meter range.
Then that job must be full of surprises when skip condition are in.
This HOA battle is anything but over - either. CA is willing to buck any fed mandate. CA also should not be so bold to call everyone that ever drove a car incompetent, and cops the only ones with enough natural ability to drive and operate a radio at the same time. BS on that. Furthermore, there aren't that many ham operators in whole state of CA to make this such a big deal about it. As yourself, just why is it so important to spend so much time, effort, and treasure to encroach yet another liberty?I am afraid that CA and any other state can legally restrict anything they want while driving. The issue here is that the courts have already ruled that driving is NOT a right. So, with that in mind, they are not stepping on your rights when they restrict what you can and can not do while driving. It would seem that not only states, but counties and municipalities can do so in their jurisdiction as well, if the state fails to do so.
Lets not forget what HOAs have been able to do with antennas for years, and the new laws being considered will not prevent them from restricting, it will only change how much they can restrict and what the reasons for those restrictions can be.