I said at the start my k40was done, swr over 3, and from reading posts the cap is suspect. Haven,t run heat thru this antenna that i recall, took it apart and inspected/cleaned. My trusty fluke sez 0 res on center line and 0 res on shield, hi res shield to body. A couple of questions.....the ground plane is going to be made thru the metal "film" bonded to the mag, right? Will paint affect this? The antenna coax is not 18' , is that a myth or not.ikinda fail to see how coax length would effect a base loaded coil. I tried adding a temp extension to whip, now that helped, dropped swr to btwn 2-2.5(40 slightly higher than 1). Isthis somethingthat would happenwitha bad cap, or is this the result of too dhort a whip. My next step was goingto be add more extension, and if swr will come down around 1-1.5 fine tune from there. Have had this antenna for so long forgot where i got it, and how long its been since ive even checked tune. Is the cap located in that round snap ring connector, didnt really look like it would come apart unless you unstamped the metal griund ring. Yeah, still thinking sirio but im not passing up a chance to fix something either!!!! "You can't fix it if you don't know how it works"!!