Think about that for a minute. It isn't the antenna it's self that's lossy, it's the matching network used to end-feed it. Any impedance matching network used to match an end fed 1/2 wave antenna isn't going to be 'super efficient'. But, that also certainly doesn't mean that that particular matching network is so terrible. The antenna typically gets a 'bad-rap' because too much is expected of it to start with. So why do they use that sort of matching system/network? Cuz' it's less expensive than others, is fairly simple, and is easy to adjust. Want a more efficient method of feeding the thing? Easy, feed it in the center... But you just made it more difficult to errect, not as simple mechanically. See where that's going?
......., I wonder what LMS had on his mind in asking his question?
My old ,but new to me coax is 20-30 year old rg8 that I bought from a business band radio shop they had laying in the attic .best I could find around here
I live on the dark side of the moon,its either amazon or go with out.
I would like a 4 eliment beam that isnt to long to hit my roof.the I max is up 28 ft and talking well,but would like more gain,I have some rf feedback going on and WIFE not happy,I thought the lmr 400 would help.
Money is not the big issue but want to only do this once.its cheaper in the long run..
Hey doc, good job addressing half of it, but you missed the big picture of what I am curious about... It wasn't just the higher than necessary quality coax to minimize losses, but that in combination with an antenna that is known to be more lossy than most... Care to take a stab at the whole thing?
The DB
Think about that for a minute. It isn't the antenna it's self that's lossy, it's the matching network used to end-feed it. Any impedance matching network used to match an end fed 1/2 wave antenna isn't going to be 'super efficient'. But, that also certainly doesn't mean that that particular matching network is so terrible. The antenna typically gets a 'bad-rap' because too much is expected of it to start with. So why do they use that sort of matching system/network? Cuz' it's less expensive than others, is fairly simple, and is easy to adjust. Want a more efficient method of feeding the thing? Easy, feed it in the center... But you just made it more difficult to errect, not as simple mechanically. See where that's going?
Hey SC, are you saying that your LMR400 works great on your Starduster?
I'm saying my lmr-400 works great running inside my mast, atop which sits my starduster, also working great.
I put on the new LMR400 ,in the mast this weekend,it helped a lot ,my noise level nothing showing on meter just junk in background
Went down by about 2/3s swr went from 1.8-1 to 1.4-1 less RF in other stuff to
Big change for me !