But It is an amateur radio it even says so in the advertisement
Ranger RCI-2995DX Amateur 10 & 12 Meter Base Station from Ranger Communications
Even PSK 31 capable???
All kidding aside and back to the topic, No single valve 3-500Z will handle that amount of drive the radio has for output.
Need at least a pair of 3-500Z, and since it is a mosfet best is not to detune them for lower output. Pair of 3-500z only needs 85 watts input drive for full output if the tuned tank is designed efficiently.
Other option is using an input pad. This will reduce the amount of drive into the amplifier and the radio will still have full output.
Then again if you can find an old 3-1000Z, or 4-1000Z, that would be a good tube to use.
"Variable Power Output from 150 watts to 2 watts - great for PSK-31 operation."
Then this is not true! Misleading advertisement?....:w00t: OMG say ain't so
All the Best