So the replies about hooking up a computer to the radio really have me very baffled. Can someone really dumb this down to a truck driver's intelligence level and explain the purpose of doing that to me?
I'm a truck driver myself so I will give to you as easy as I can.
The good things about hooking a HF rig to your computer is rig control. This means you can easily setup your radio with the manufactures rig control software and easily configure your radio's settings along with full operational radio control functions with clicks of a mouse.
It is far easier to setup things like EQ, memory channels, and other IF filters and user programmable settings via computer rather than using the radio's menu settings screen which often use weird abbreviations for the settings and can be are hard to understand causing you to refer to the manual for nearly every menu item. On the computer, you should have plain English menus settings that are easy to understand and adjust.
The best and most useful thing about hooking to a computer is using your base station radio as a remote controlled radio station. This can be done with any modern HF radio that can be controlled with rig control software.
I can and do operate my home radio station that is hooked to my home computer using one of the many free remote radio software programs. Then thru the internet and remote control software installed on both my Home PC and laptop using a headset mic, I can work the HF bands that my current mobile radio setup doesn't have antennas for with full radio control of all functions just like I was sitting at home in front of my radio. This can be used anywhere in the world for that matter where I have internet access or 4G wireless network to hotspot my laptop with, and let's me fully access and fully operate my home radio station remotely.
This let's you play radio while your laid over for the night or if you have stable mobile internet, driving down the road. You can also use any typical Bluetooth cellphone headset and use the VOX function for hands free mobile radio operations too. If you think about it, You can really get by without even having a mobile HF radio in your truck.
When you study for your ticket, the exams study guides will cover remote stations and rules regarding them. I would hope you are going for at least your General class ticket since a Tech class is too limiting and you won't hardly be able to operate an HF radio where all the good action is.