And people wonder why the 10 meter band & other HF bands have so many wide signals.When we as Hams don't care about the dirty amplifiers & junk modified Export CB radios on the 10 meter band & use of those crappy illegal CB amplifiers on other bands or the rules it's no wonder it sounds & looks more & more like 11 meters every day.If you use this gear on the Ham bands then you are part of the problem & not the solution & I can tell to you it's about being CHEAP & the heck with what the RULES or LAWS of the Land say.Some people just can't afford the hobby with legal gear & could care less about someone else putting up with their trashy signals as long as they are having fun they don't care.Sounds like you don't it? Buy cheap & make lots of noise is all you care about because there is no pride in that shack or cares about being legal when on the air becuse it's all about you & doing it your way!
You would be a hit over on along with all the others that simple bash something before they REALLY know about it. The RM series amps are NOT illegal to run on 10m for starters and when PROPERLY driven they can be as clean as the exciter driving it. W8JI had a nice report on one and even gave it a thumbs up IF it was operated within design spec and not necessarily at what RM claimed it could be operated at. Considering he designed virtually every amp Ameritron makes he probably knows what he is talking about.As far as wide signals, if the amp is class AB, which the RM amp is, it will be no wider that the exciter if driven properly.There are a LOT of wide signals on the bands today from Kenwoods, Yaesus, and Icoms, either from fools running wide open filters in the transmitter or from not knowing how to properly operate a transmitter and driving the piss out of it with the mic gain cranked up and the compression at max driving a perfectly legal Ameritron or even an Alpha amplifier.