Six-shooter...I get a real laugh out of people like you.
I KNOW how many laws those in Law Enforcement Officers
routinely break. That "respect" for all laws that you profess,
I bet is hypocritical, at the least.
If an Officer was given a ticket for every time they went
5 MPH OVER the posted speed limit without the emergency
lights and serine on, the court would stay full of nothing but LEOs.
Same thing for coasting through a stop sign.
I bet you can not tell the difference between the letter of the law,
spirit of the law and Judicial Interpretation of the same law.
If you would like to search, you will find guiding Supreme Court
decisions that tell you that if you want to blindly follow the law
or a superior that is wrong, YOU are still wrong. The will really
take away an attitude as YOU will be accountable.
There is no reason to go overboard about what is right and what
is "wrong" when it will likely be changed by a court or a legislator
for some lobbyist's benefit.
What does not physically hurt another is only minor. That is why
there are Misdemeanors and Infractions. Not all are Felony charges,
also be sure to add in civil remedies. NO need to get you panties
all bunched up over what something that someone else does
that they enjoy.
We all know that NOT all laws are equally enforced by anyone anyway.
Your Holier-than-Thou attitude would have been short lived where
I have worked and held certification classes.
Yes, I will match you certification for certification in the LEO field.
Past employment or past achievements mean little, if all you
can now display, is how you look down you nose at others.
You may have gotten away with it 30 years ago on the street,
you would not get away with it now if you were still on the street.
Lighten up and enjoy life.