Kinda on the same line of advice already given.....
A balance of cost and features is the most difficult decision to make in buying a VHF / UHF dual band radio.
Cross band repeat is not something you will find yourself using in a mobile rig. The ability to monitor 2 meter activity while transmitting on the 440 side may be something you'd like, but it can also become an annoyance trying to listen to one conversation while carrying on another. Ask yourself..."do I really want or need this option".... if the answer is "no" then you just saved yourself some money, and probably aggravation.
Yaesu promotes it's "WIRES II" system, kenwood the "APRS" thing, and Icom has D-Star, research all three before deciding on any of them. Yaesu's WIRES II is very popular in Japan, but very unsupported here in the states. APRS has a strong following, but I personally see little advantage to it's use unless you like having strangers follow your every move on a Google map.
I favor the D-Star system, however D-Star has a lot of support in my area with more repeaters and digital hotspots going up all the time. I'm also involved in Emergency Management, and both Counties I deal with have gone to D-Star digital voice and text messaging for emergency operations. Because of this I got into the mode more by need than by choice, but now that I have it, and have learned how to use it, I enjoy it a lot.
Again, you need to find out if D-Star is supported in your area before making that decision to spend the extra money for a radio that may have no practical use where you live.....
I've owned radios from all three major manufacturer's, I tend to favor Icom because I believe their menu systems are easier to understand, and I also believe they build a stronger radio capable of withstanding the rigors of mobile use. kenwood also builds a decent radio with a fairly easy menu system, Yaesu radios run cheaper, are built pretty well, but I find their menu systems to be very confusing and difficult to learn.
You may find that a standard dual band radio to be all that you will ever want or need, then again you may discover after buying it that APRS, or D-Star suddenly appeals to you, and you'll kick yourself for not getting it.
It's not an easy decision, but one you'll eventually have to make on your own.....
Good luck, and be sure to let us know what you end up getting.....