todt061458 said:
Why the trucker bashing? Just a question.
I am a trucker. Why bash me and others in my chosen profession? Others on this board are also truckers why insult them what did they do wrong to have to put up with the insults you hurl at us?
what makes you think ( if you do think) that all truckers are not so bright? We come from many different backgrounds.
So you don't think running your own company takes a very bright person?
I could go on but to what end?
Now see there! I TOLD you *I* wasn't the one doing the trucker bashing!
The people I am P. O 'ed at are the ones that I hear on 10 Meters. Unfortunately, it IS the group that first caused the 10 meter thing to be an issue. It is just a fact that truckers were the ones that got heard first and the loudest. That old saying, "the squeaky" wheel gets greased first". It really isn't ABOUT truckers in general and the majority of drivers are running a plain old 40 channel Cobra, etc. Like any group, there are always some renegades in the crowd, and
a *few* will do something that brings unwanted attention to the the whole group. Then it "seems' like everybody is "guilty" or gets the whole blame. But, no, it isn't truckers as a whole. It is a small group of the 'loud 'n proud' crowd that feels they must be bigger, badder, more....well, something........that brings down the ceiling.
Yama, consider this. About 5 years ago, there was almost NO enforcement of radio rules, CB or Amateur. You could turn on your ham rig and hear some of the AWFULLEST, foulest talk you ever heard. No gutter snipe could out-cuss some of the people I heard back around '98-'99. I heard things that made my ears burn and I am no prude. Along came W. Riley Hollingsworth as Special Counsel for Amateur Enforcement. Like the CBers, the outlaw ham crowd guffawed and mocked, "Riley WHO...................?" They made 14.313 their home and sang the "Pork Butt Song" that infantile lowlives could relate to while they made bodily noises and discussed human anatomy in the most base terms. Mr H. waded into the pool and began to jerk some licenses, figuratively kicking some a** and taking some names. Levied a few fines for malicious interference and, gradually, 14 MHZ got quiet. Riley would show up on a frequency and scold the offendees by name. He had the authority and the backing. He also promised to defend the 10 meter band from encroachment. He then went "upstairs" and got the Dallas Field Office involved in going after the bandits AND the dealers. Like the hams before, the CB types spewed the same old stuff; namely, FCC ain't got the money, they wouldn't dare mess with them good old CBers. we 'uns have got them 'rights' to talk on them channels, they will NEVER send letters out about operating on the 10 meter band. HEE HEE! HAW HAW! They ain't worried about me and my 'extra' channels. Uh, whazzat? A letter? letter, what letter!
WHY, they cain't m'ek me stop selling them export radios, I got a right to sell 'em. "You are requested to call me to discuss this matter".
"In light of the fact that you have ignored previous warnings, based on the evidence before us, we find that --------- is apparently liable for a forfeiture of $125,000!"
They DID it!! In spite of all the " they ain't got time" and "it's only about the money", and "they ain't gonna mess wid us CBers", there have been quite a few CBers "messed with" since '99.
So I beg to differ with you, Yama; they WILL come to a solution for several reasons as opposed to the past.
1. Huge complaints from the legal radio community.
3. complaints from consumers (who are not radio ops).
3. Because the theft of frequencies has grown to the point that
foreign entities have begun to complain about the US CB
4. Because there are treaties that the US signed and they
MUST honor them.
5. Because they realize that if it is not stopped, the outlaws
will filch more and more frequencies and encroach more and
more making it more difficult to knock it down.
6. Because it is the right thing to do.