I would try adding a negative-feedback network to each transistor. A 100-ohm 2 Watt resistor in series with a 0.1uf capacitor will frequently calm down a twitchy amplifier built with high-gain transistors like MRF455. The series-pair of parts goes from each transistor collector to the base on the same transistor.
This will change the amplifier's input impedance, tends to lower it. Check the input-side SWR with a meter between the radio and the amplifier while it's keyed and producing power. There is usually a capacitor in parallel with the input transformer's primary. Trimming the value of this cap will frequently fix the problem and get the input-side SWR back below 2 to 1. A trimmer cap can be wired in place of the fixed cap, and used to zero in on the optimum capacitance value. You can then remove it, measure the value and install a fixed part close to that value, or just leave the trimmer where it is.
This method has worked for us numerous times.