When they say "It's supposed to be ok with just about any antenna accompanied by an antenna tuner.". they really mean any reasonable antenna. A Maco 103C is a CB antenna and will work on 10m and maybe on 12m. Forget trying to operate it below that. Just because a tuner can/will show you a good SWR at the radio does not mean that the antenna will work. Sure anything can be made to radiate a signal but how well it does that is another story."
Not exactly true. With a 102" whip and a tuner, you can work the world mobile on all bands. Maybe not too efficient, but how many antennas are? You are correct that tuner does nothing for swr at the antenna, but people put WAY too much importance on swr, and not enough on what actually counts. Talking.
Believe me I know all about how well a 102 whip and a tuner works on HF mobile. I run a Yaesu FT-857 and an FC-40 autotuner.The vehicle is well bonded and the feedline from tuner to antenna base is heavy strap about 10 inches long,just the way it should be.The antenna whip is about 9'8" and the very tip is at 13'6", the max legal height. It works well on 10-20m but after that it sucks just like all other short mobile antennas of similar design. I still stand by my assertion above that the M103 will NOT work worth a damn below 15m. It will simply look like a feedline with a capacity hat at the other end.
AS for reconfiguring it to another band,that will be difficult for anything other than 10m. To go lower in freq requires longer elements and the M103's elements are not strong enough to be adding much more to the length. Then comes the matter of boomlength.