Test results from the comparison of a Maco V5/8 to Wolf P64.
Residential installation.
During the afternoon on 1/28/06 a fellow radio enthusiast, located 8 miles away from the shop - changed antennas. The test was conducted on 27.365mHz with a un-modulated carrier of 12 watts. Four basic readings were taken: V5/8 hi, V5/8 low, P64 low, P64 hi. The high point is 40 ft to the base, and low 18ft. Residential installation.
I was receiving with a vintage Golden Eagle MKIII (tube type) receiver, hooked to an A-99 about 20 feet high. I also had a switch-able attenuator inline. We talked by phone only -- no transmit operations occurred at my end for the duration of the test. Noise level was low and no other traffic on channel, or adjacent, etc.
Close monitoring of the signal a few hours leading up to the test showed a consistent reading of 8 S-units on the MKIII. I confirmed the final reading - exactly 8 S-units just before the change. The change was made in a short time (about 10-15 min.) and the signal was read immediately in the low position without any adjustment to match. The signal showed a clear increase of 1/2 S-unit over the V5/8 in the low position! The match was close to perfect without any adjustments so the antenna was raised into final position (40ft to base). The final signal at height was 8.5 S-units and remained consistent! I then rigorously tested the calibration of the S meter with my signal generator and found it equal to 4 dB per S-unit in that exact part of the scale.
IN THIS TEST - in both the high and low positions - the P 64 clearly showed a 2 dB increase in signal in my receiver 8 miles away.
*(With right hand raised)* “I hereby certify that the results of this test are true and accurate to the best of my technical ability and without bias.” Wolf
Having said that, I think further testing should be done. Hopefully by some others out in the field before we will know for sure, but the results are interesting.
Now where’s Jay…….… and that I-10K………….Wolf…….>>>>>>