mine does the same thing on 1-40
Mine does the same thing on 19...you get a 19 and a 19A that is when you run the radio in CON2.
Speaking of which, is there any way I can change the LCD to read the frequency instead of just the channel number when the radio is ran in the CON2 mode? In other words I'd rather see "27.185" instead of "19 E".
Thanks in advance.
FUNC then CALL not work in con2?
i think i'm in con3 and that works for me...i read mhz continuously
Im about to get one of these from Sparky's. I see there are some problems with this rigs. Are there any other high power compact 10m/11m rigs out there that I should look at instead?
Does anyone know how many amps this radio pulls when at full power? I noticed on my 12 amp power supply, the volts would drop from 13.7 to like 6 v. just keying up the mic and then they'd drop another 3 volts on modulation - don't ask me how this is, that's what my multimeter was reading....and here I was making 10 meter DX contacts to Washington and Nevada today.
I decided to try this radio in my car with a fully charged batt. and it drops the car's voltage by 2 volts plus the lights dim some.
My 65 w. Yaesu FT2800 on the same power supply doesn't get below 13.0 at all.
PEP is 100 watts sideband with a tone and RF set to 100%. Most of the time it does not exceed 50 or so watts because I set RF output at about 50%. On sideband I can turn the modulation down to nothing and there is no power output.
It's the 50 watts AM and FM I don't understand.. I only adjusted VR16, AM nothing else.
I can always replace the RFX 75 unit if it goes but I just ordered a fan so that will help.
I am getting very good audio reports with this radio.
Thanks for the comment.
Sounds to me that you are trying to run it at full output. I wouldn't do that. I did it once with my 40 amp supply and it drew as much as 16 amps. Set the output to draw no more than 10-12 amps. About 1/2 to 2/3 output and no more - IMO . . .
Not just full output, but I can set the RF power dial at 1/2 and it still pulls some juice. Just for shits and giggles I tried out a different power supply today...an Astron RS20A...which is supposed to be good for 16 amps continuous. I set the radio to 1/2 on the RF power and keyed up....volts drop on the RS20A from 13.7 down to 5-6 VDC and then drop another volt on modulation.
With that much voltage drop; I would have to say that supply has a problem.