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Magnum 257hp Garbage

it's no big deal just unsolder com one and put a jumper across com 3 it sure isn't rocket science

Either that or CON2 which is good if you are a licensed ham wanting to use the radio to activate 10 meter repeaters. Can't do that on CON3.
I have a feeling that m42duster hit the nail on the head seems that some law enforcement agencies has asked the FCC for help in getting illegal radios export out of vehicles.....from what I have been told by people I know that the FCC has put pressure on companies to get those type or radios out of their trucks...I was told that they are stepping up enforcement in some areas which I don't doubt. This comes from a friend that drives a company truck and I seen the letter that he got with his check that beginning Jan 2012 any company vehicle with a export radio or linear will be removed and the driver discharged guys I think they mean business that's why he has my Galaxy DX959 in his rig now.
For the life of me I cant understand why someone has to run their CB on "Stuck On Stupid" each and every time they key the mic. I use to have all kinds of stuff in my home and in my vehicle but I never used it unless it was necessary.
This is all in response to the last time the FCC went to court, what it boils down to is the term " easy to modify".
The court held the FCC to it`s own description of easy to mod, and simply moving a jumper is too easy.....they made it so that it takes tools to do the conversion.
You will see this more now because of that case.
They are "Not" illegal to sell as long as they are bone stock from the Mfg, and they do not fall into "easy to Mod" category.

I seen the letter that he got with his check that beginning Jan 2012 any company vehicle with a export radio or linear will be removed and the driver discharged

This has been going back and forth for quite some time, it is a scare tacit that has been used to prod company's to get on there drivers about export radios.
It is the same old game they have been playing forever.

Your right they aren't illegal to sell.....where it comes into play is "Easy To Modify" if all you have to do is move a jumper or remove a solder bridge or unsolder a jumper wire that's easy to modify. You can have a 10 meter radio in your vehicle if your a licensed ham don't make any difference but if its modified than you can get into trouble big trouble if its a company vehicle.
Whats got the companies worried about is that employers are responsible for the actions of their employees.
I'm going to play the wait and see game.
You can have a 10 meter radio in your vehicle if your a licensed ham

You can have a 10 meter radio in your vehicle no mater if you have a Lic or not....it is not legal to transmit in the Hams bands without a Lic, but there is no law that says you can not own one....
The key word is "transmit"

And Yes, Shioda is very good at calling out the FCC on there very misleading rules, and sending them packing with there tails between there legs.

I finally received an email from Eric Lewis (Sam's brother???) who says
Yes, that is how the board is now coming from the factory.

My question that I asked:
On the Magnum S45HP and Magnum 257HP radios, inside is a board with jumpers on it that allow for frequency expansion. I have been informed the terminals are being snipped at the factory. I need to know if this is true or if this is a mod done by radio shops. Thanks in advance.
I finally received the Magnum 257hp back from the shop. It seems to be working fine, I was checking it out on the Dosy meter with power turned up it is showing 20 watts on USB and LSB but when I put it on AM it swings to about 70 watts. I am not sure about this. Any info would be appreciated.
that's a shame... I was really getting excited about this radio... the early reviews looked so neat... oh well... thanks for bringing this info to light... I guess NO MAGNUM 257 for me...

it would have been an awesome radio for the wife's car
well sounds like the repair shop didn't check it on SSB. It's amazing how most of them do that, I got back a new 2970N2 doing the exact same thing I sent it in for, a SSB issue, I get the radio back on channel 20AM guess they just don't listen to us at all. If your any good with tuning I'm sure it's just an ALC adjustment but to keep the warranty in check you better send it back.
This morning I took the amp that was inline but not used for this radio I use it with the Realistic HTX-100. And now the Magnum on SSB swings full power. I wonder what that was about but the thing rocks with solid audio.
Many export radios from the factory need some alignment. I took a 2950DX3 out of the box yesterday and it was transmitting on 27.3852. Easy fix but pretty common for one thing or another to need a tweak.

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