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Magnum Deltaforce


W9WDX Amateur Radio Club Member
Apr 18, 2005
My buddy is workin on a Deltafoce it recieves great and transmits.Problem is transmit output is lucky to wiggle the meter needle. Finals were all replaced. What is the 3 legged part on the wall next to the audio dhip for or what does that do..Could this possibly be the problem?? Anyways he would like to know either way what that transistor or whatever that part does. any other ideas on what may be wrong would be appreciated. He did look at the board to see if polarity was reversed but there were no signs of that either. So in all it lights up transmiters meter shows all is functioning but power isnt there. Thanks.... Tony[/i]

Uh Tony, at the risk of sounding like some kind of smug smart-ass, I gotta ask. Why is someone fooling around in the radio BEFORE finding out what the parts are?

Now, don't get me wrong. For a procedure like upgrading a (working) part, installing a noise toy or other mod, a good set of instructions, with clear pics or diagrams makes that level of knowledge unnecessary. So long as all the details are presented clearly to you.

On the other hand, if something goes wrong with a task like installing a noise toy or modification, that kind of basic knowledge becomes necessary. Finding out what 'went wrong' with a task like that gets more complicated.

And that's where you are, hoping to troubleshoot a failure without first learning to identify the parts.

Now, if all you want to do is replace a carburetor, you don't have to be able to recite every part inside the carb from memory. You only have to know what it looks like, where it is on the motor and how to unhook/reconnect all the stuff attached to it.

The transistor that I THINK you're talking about is the AM modulator. It also passes juice straight through to the transmit power stages when running SSB. When it fails, the symptom MAY be just like you describe.

But it's not the only possible cause. Just replacing parts without first pinning down WHAT has shut down is like playing Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Donkey.

If your soldering skills are excellent, sooner or later you'll stumble across the problem, replacing one part after another.

Trouble is, every time a part gets taken loose or swapped, there is the risk of a small 'whisker' of solder getting bridged across the gap between adjacent foil traces. Do this enough times, and you can end up with more bad parts than you started out with, if something like that happens.

I strongly advocate having a way to TEST a part that you suspect has failed. Without that, you're flying blindfolded. No big deal if you have plenty of all the parts in the radio. If the parts are a pain to obtain, narrowing things down first will save a lot of grief.

Seriously, this is not sounding like a good "first-time" repair project.

i havent seen the radio i have never owned one so that is all new to me he just described to me the part in question so i figured i would ask out here because ive never seen the inside of a deltaforce or any magnum radio. he raplaced finals because thats usually the place to start. And he had some there on hand. He never pulled anyother parts out because he didnt know the layout or what is what in that radio anyways i told him just what you said the part was he was describing. But I didnt say forsure because i never seen the layout of that particular radio. Hes better off taking that thing in anyways from what i here there garbage anyways other than there recieve and it may be a handful of headaches to start with.



Subpart D_Citizens Band (CB) Radio Service

Sec. 95.424 (CB Rule 24) How do I have my CB station transmitter serviced?
(a) You may adjust an antenna to your CB transmitter and you may
make radio checks. (A radio check means a one way transmission for a
short time in order to test the transmitter.)
(b) You are responsible for the proper operation of the station at
all times and are expected to provide for observations, servicing and
maintenance as often as may be necessary to ensure proper operation. You
must have all internal repairs or internal adjustments to your CB
transmitter made in accordance with the Technical Regulations (see
subpart E). The internal repairs or internal adjustments should be
performed by or under the immediate supervision and responsibility of a person certified as technically
qualified to perform transmitter maintenance and repair duties
in the
private land mobile services and fixed services by an organization or
committee representative of users in those services.
(c) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, each
internal repair and each internal adjustment of a CB transmitter in
which signals are transmitted must be made using a nonradiating
(``dummy'') antenna.
(d) Brief test signals (signals not longer than one minute during
any five minute period) using a radiating antenna may be transmitted in
order to:
(1) Adjust an antenna to a transmitter;
(2) Detect or measure radiation of energy other than the intended
signal; or
(3) Tune a receiver to your CB transmitter.

(Secs. 4(i) and 303(r), Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47
U.S.C. 154(i) and 303(r), and sec. 553 of the Administrative Procedures
Act, 5 U.S.C. 553)

[48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended at 49 FR 20673, May 16, 1984]


Respectfully, I would advise your "Friend" to get his greasy hands and "Golden Screwdriver" out of that radio and find someone who can read a schematic and use a volt meter.

I am sure that the competent person would first check to see if there are any volts on the collectors of those "three-legged-thingies".

Thanks Paws......Feels like we are at Copper with you and CW posting the rules for everyone. I think the mods should post a copy of the FCC rules and regulations at the top of the FCC section so if anyone really cares and wants to read them, they can. Quit trolling....Everyone knows the rules.....No one cares
Why do I feel like I am being attacked over this??? As far as it being a 10 meter radio half the radios are that are on this forum and Im sure everyone out here isnt license to run them . I dont give a rats Ass nif he fixes it or not it isnt mine so what he does is his choice he hasnt done anything with it and yes he is sending it out HE HIMSELF SAID HE DOESNT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT TO MESS WITH IT. Delete this post I had no isdea it was gonna hit soft spots I learned a lesson Ill tell ya that. I will just PM the memebers out here I been talkin to on and off when feeling well enough to get on here this is not worth the attacks I feel Im getting I asked question for someone and its gone away from the original question sorry to those I offended or hurt with this question Im not out here to cause uproars or problems Mole just delete this. I have been pretty sick and dont need to start makin enemies out of a post when I dont know whats gonna happen with me in general. I just wanna enjoy my radio equipment and the comapny and info I been getting from the good people and friends I have aquired out here in the past and I am not ever asking anything for a friend if I cant answer it I wont drag it out here.
I think maybe you mistook the meaning of my post--I was only pointing out that the rule that paws quoted would not apply in this case. I am NOT trolling. :x

Read carefully, I am on YOUR side, not that of the "legal eagles", who are always quoting rules on this forum and others.
That statement was not directed at you Highlander.....It was directed at those who think thry need to quote the FCC in every post
TONY225, Do not stop posting because someone is on a "POWA" kick.......this "FORUM" is one of the ,if not the original venues for gathering "INFO",asking "those" kinda questions!!!!! And the greatest thing is "Sifting" thru all of your answers..............With the group of "Mods" and "mentors " gathered here we should almost be ashamed for not paying for this "knowledge library" :LOL: 8) ;) (lucky this place has generous donors and sponsers)..

Enuf said, You got questions,this place has the answers or the know how to get them :D :) :eek: :LOL: 8)

Snoope back quiet
Hey Tony I don't know anything that will help with your friends radio but I do hope you don't let the ham's that SHOULD be more helpfull run you off :evil: I havent delt with him yet but i keep hearing good things from justin at com. experts you might give him a try :D

The funny thing is that there are alot of people that think Ham operators are pr!cks but thats not so I have argued with quite a few people about this. Just because there are some that prefer the HF rigs Yaesu Kenwood Icom radios doent mean we hate CB or export we have all owned them and some do hate cb radios and the babd in general. Well ya know what then why even come to a site such as this which supports CB Export Hf and a few others when you have QRZ and a few others that are soley for the strictly Amatuer radio users. Why torcher thereselves and others with there being miserable. I am trying to get a few of my friends into Amatuer radio and they refuse to because of the impressions some make like the fellas did that were on here in my post way to go thats really gonna real in the new amatuer users.I have alot of ham users that I meet on the radio in 27 meg everynight they are all great people and use both the amatuer bands and straight 1-40 as well and enjoy it the same. some complain about freebanding well look at how these guys are who wants to pay money to be treated like that or talked to like that. No wander the free banding is outta hand with garbage. Try setting and example (a good one) so we can get more people involved with amatuer radio before it completely desolves to nothing. Some of my buddies arent even renewing there tickets cause the interest isnt there. But ya know what there still gonna be on sideband with the chicken banders in the endmost are generals but its still a waste to let it go. Anyways way to set the example boys amatuer world is proud of you I hope you treat eachother on the airways with more respect than you have shown hear. I said it once Ill say it again count your blessings because alot worse things can happen in life other than a few CB users upsetting you Health as an example lifes to short relax educate the ones that can use it and you may make more progress that way. And if you really dont care about anyone else then god bless and forgive you and help you see thelight and in a good way and not the hard way. And thanks to those who actually gave input on my question.
Tony,are you sure he doesn't have the "mode" switch for the meter set in the wrong position? Maybe as simple as bad meter movement? I'm just throwing a couple easy things out there;one
never knows! I've done it several times.
Also,you're saying it is putting out at full TX power?
BTW;keep posting/asking questions here for all to read and
just ignore the "trolls & legal eagles" as the others said.They'll
just have to get over themselves!Hi,Hi......
Slim CDX285

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