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Magnum Deltaforce

I've been a CB'er for 20 years there Tony and I personally don't think Ham's are pricks to think that they are ,but there are a-holes in every bunch , bottom line for me is this ,I have over the years talked on freebands (as my Ham counter parts do as well ?) NOT ! on Ham bands , there is truly a attitude there concerning many of the ticket holders out there , I suppose they have the right but unless IM breaking polocey ? I personally do not need to hear that polocey jammed down my cb radios receive ......especially on the 11 meter band !! as I said before Tony .....the attitude is there and I've learned to live with it ,but when I here "them" advertising on cb about how much more satisfiying it could be for many more and then at same time putting down the cb experiance , It just doesn't impress me much . Oh ....and you know why there there in the first place ? ....they really like CB (-: it's the drama of it all. As I said,there are truly the Good the Bad and the Ugly on both sides of the railroad tracks and weather or not "they" have the right or not ? When it comes to the Freebands in my area ...there's more ticket holders there then anywhere else ? Go Figure ? but in my book ...it sure don't make them any better then I . Ticket or no ticket ...they to could lose there's for the same breaking of the rules as anybody else would.Im just a low life cb radio outlaw I suppose concerning many of the other well to do radio operators ? I don't talk off repeaters ...for a guy like me ,I just don't see the challenge ,especially talking off a antenna not much bigger then my peto ,figurativley speaking of course. I've known many a cb'er in my time get there tickets and buy those very nice radios to go with it ,but guess what ? after all of that , and it wasn't as if they ever really left , they were still on cb 99.9%of the time ,I guess it just take a special breed ? Hmmmm What ever the case may be ? It's just nice when everybody can even somewhat get along. (-: Peace Switch Kit to each his or her own.
Hes got it working on sidebands but the AM is goofy yet. He only uses sideband anyways but he is still gonna have it looked at. The radio was like this when he got it so hes partially there as far as fixing it. I am not sure what hebhad to do with it but I heard him on itr lastnight and it sounds good on sideband from what I heard anyways

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