Your advice was great and put me in the right direction. After talking to a friend on the phone that had worked on these type of radio's before and swore off ever taking another one in his shop for repair told me what to look for and once I found the area giving me the problem from not only a voltage loss but a very wrong voltage from the problem area sending it to the PLL that even blew my friends mind as he had never seen that happen. Not only was the coil bad but lack of voltage from the place they had jumped the board from plus took out a couple caps as well.
I agree with not many have worked on this type of radio but I bet you there is one or two that have!
Like I said it would have been a great conversation to figure it out together that would have helped anyone else that might come across one of these radio's one day with the same type of problem.
Your advice was great and put me in the right direction. After talking to a friend on the phone that had worked on these type of radio's before and swore off ever taking another one in his shop for repair told me what to look for and once I found the area giving me the problem from not only a voltage loss but a very wrong voltage from the problem area sending it to the PLL that even blew my friends mind as he had never seen that happen. Not only was the coil bad but lack of voltage from the place they had jumped the board from plus took out a couple caps as well.
I agree with not many have worked on this type of radio but I bet you there is one or two that have!
Like I said it would have been a great conversation to figure it out together that would have helped anyone else that might come across one of these radio's one day with the same type of problem.