I couldn't agree more with almost everything you said. It was a little hard for me to follow. lol
You reiterate my basic points very well.
I still believe that the biggest problem with people not liking an S series Magnum, and probably most others they want to name, are 2 things;
#1. Unreal expectations, and just too lazy or busy to figure their "radio system" out.
#2. More willing to believe their trucking buddy, than really learn something for themselves.
I totally agree with Northstar on the credentials thing. Most shops would be out of business, if they had to prove they even knew the basic theories. The consolation I get out of that, is that most of the bad shops are being found out. They may hold on for years though. :evil: :evil:
I also have noticed that the "new kid on the block", CB operator, that shows up on these forums, has a problem. He or she/ asks a question like "Which radio is best?" and the standard answer is, "Name your favorite radio".
The way I answer that question is with "For what?". I need to know a few things before I just blast out an answer.
Unfortuneately, they hear a brand/ model, and I'm not sure they ever even check back on the thread.
I've also noticed that the drivers or know-nothing techs, don't seem to ever even find it strange, that something isn't working out. Just blame the radio, it can't ever be anything else. Right? ha :roll: Now you know why I'm always rolling those eyes. lol
Well, I hijacked the thread again. Thanks for letting me vent.
marven :roll:
P.S. It is from this forum and others, reading and getting an education (on dozens of subjects), + hands on experience with people who do know how things work; that I'm even in business today. The real sadness to almost everything today, is nobody wants to put any work into anything.
And to all of you who help me, wheather you know it or not, Thank You!!