If allowed.. from my perspective:
I think you gave (and know) the answer..
Its either gonna be 2 or 1.
I mentioned 2, cause in the past:
I have used software named..ehm..
Antenna Model, think its called that?
From Teri software based on MININEC .
Anyway...I remember at a time I had the same question.
Memory says, the value AM used was 2.
So I would have thought it could be 2 in 4nec2, but on the other hand it seems easy to add a software line "/2"
With respect: Im hoping we are not going to debate it needs to be either 1 or 2...as whats the use of doing so ? If one understands why it is 2, you understand the concept.
Far more interesting...
Marconi I know you have used AN SOF, and maybe DB has too ?
Perhaps focus should go to explore an-sof a bit more...
(or other software other than traditional MoM)
What i see is that people put up a EZNEC plot, and people say: owh...oke...thats it then.
But we all know the limitations and capabilities of software...it isnt always "oke"..
AN SOF is software which uses cMoM.
Although Im not aware about difference in the equations
(dont think im capable of understanding all either hihi)..
I do know, at this point i tend to think:
I am in favour of it in aspect to NEC in some cases (including NEC4)
The software isnt well known..
Perhaps cause its too cheap ?
The Pro version is only a fraction of what i paid for the commercial NEC4 version, and it is really fun !
I consider my self as one of "those" who is at a stage where he thinks he is an "oke" NEC user.
I dont know all the math...why...but im capable of finding out why, and i havnt been amazed in a long time, i can "explain"...I dont know all...but i know where i need to "search".
All my files are NEC, there isnt a day where I dont use NEC in one way or another.
All basic software like MMANA 4NEC2 EZNEC AM etc.. all provide within the limitation the same result (logical)
But all have more or less the same "borders".
An Soft has suprised me, where NEC had issues.
It provided results beyond NEC which I tend to find accurate due to testing done.
And yes ... obvious one can use other advance software...
Though Important for me (and most?)
an soft has the option to upload NEC files... i couldnt do that with "others".
Cant help it...im getting old too hihi.
Basic ideas are made with the software you "learned" to use..
I always start with Eznec. then I turn to "others" to optimise. ....when done...
I return to EZNEC with that "AutoEZ" and get myself some nice plots.
Not because "others" are not capable, but for most due to "speed" of "things"
Using AN Soft for "development" is a horrible...
But is capable of providing solutions and answers where others cant