Friend brought over a Maverick 250. Looks like it was converted to 10/11 meters. My problem is, the Tune cap is arcing. Is this a common problem? I was using a 148glt to test with. It does 12w pep. I'm just not sure how to decide it its a cap failure or if its parasitics going on. The arc that I could see was on last plate. It was bent some but I pulled it out so it has same spacing as others. Just wondering if anyone else has run into this. Amp was doing 400-450 pep on my Bird 43P when the failure happened. Looks like 6JE6 tubes for finals. 4 driving 4. I'm not sure what the driver tubes are. Any suggestions? Parasitic chokes look to be factory. Resistors look good but hard to tell since the guy is a smoker. Yuck! Lots of tar.