Yea, connectors are the killer. I run lmr600, cost? No big deal. The 50 ohm 10kw connectors for it? $$$$$ ouch! I almost fell over when i saw the price...160 feet will be about 1.2 dB loss, not much choice if that is the distance to bridge.
Get a good antenna up, see forum here, and it will work fine.
3dB loss is just noticable, so don't sweat.
Is there lower loss cable out there? yes, but the price and connectors will be a LOT more expensive.
When the antenna is good i dont see chance on interference, good brand/quality coax can last decades.
Mustang 131 wrote: "350 foot plus of lmr 600". 3dB. of line loss ...These losses will be higher depending upon values of inductive or capacitive reactance, impedance mismatch and any ground return losses present at the load.
Good WisdomBringing any feed line thru the attic or any part of a home without a way too disconnect it outside of the home during severe weather is a Bad Idea.I have seen first hand what happens to the coax from a lightning strike & it could very easily result in your home burning down.Lighting should not be taken lightly.Give it the respect that it deserves & don't lose your home or life for a radio.