Oh my!
That is one noisy receive section. That radio needs a high high high cut function.
Me ears hurt.
That is one noisy receive section. That radio needs a high high high cut function.
Me ears hurt.
Oh my!
That is one noisy receive section. That radio needs a high high high cut function.
Me ears hurt.
Oh my!
That is one noisy receive section. That radio needs a high high high cut function.
Me ears hurt.
Hope the 8900 has not blown up Simon !!! Hi Hi
How is it going?
Made any contacts on it?
Does it get very hot?
Noisy rx? How is the AGC? FM?
Easy to use?
Do tell us some more!!!
Ours are still a few weeks away as getting some other mods done on it first.
Hey Simon
I should've said that the Hi-Cut didn't sound like it worked too well when your contact on one of your vid's signal dropped down to 1 S-Unit and you briefly kicked in the Hi-Cut. Plus I think that you were getting interference from others operators.
I didn't see any chrome on the 8900. Did like the mike jack in back. That would help in a mobile in dash install. That way the mic cord wouldn't be sticking out the front of the radio getting in the way when not being used.
I deal with the noise on my CRE-8900 by using a remote speaker,facing it away from me and let the car's acoustics absorb some of the staticky portion of the sound.
By the way,the Italian contact,he must of had his talkback on as he was enjoying his slow echo. I could hear him better with his echo kicked in. op:
Thanks Simon, All good. Is there an internal plug for the programming. If so use an AT-5555 cable into that..should work.
I think you can open band 4 to 24.5 to 30mhz with the soft ware....the clarifier would hit them all but the selector will only find what has been programmed into it. I think the clarifier and ch selector should be swapped!!!
Ours are off on thursday with a new mic insert and slightly different programming and hopefully the SWR bug all these radios suffer from has been squealched once and for all! If it were possible to dissable it physically I would..It is a handy feature but it does get in the way even when turned off in software.
The earlier 8800 swr meter can be fixed like this , its accurate now and no false peaks ...Dave, wonder if they have fixed the swr meter or just recalibrated for higher power. On the earlier radio I ,like most, turn the warning off.I noticed the meter isn't auto calibrated .Only works fine on am or about 10 watts it's when you go to a higher power mode( ie ssb 30 watts)it gives you the high readings.The work around would be to recalibrate to max power ie 30 watts. and put a note in the manual.Or turn the bloody thing off completely.