Of course not, that's using a VFO over 1.4mHz and completely unrelated to this CB related section of the forum. :bdh:And you made all these contacts on 11 meters?
Of course not, that's using a VFO over 1.4mHz and completely unrelated to this CB related section of the forum. :bdh:And you made all these contacts on 11 meters?
What Jerk is saying here is you need to multiply your power by 4 to increase the signal at the receiving end of you transmission just 1 S unit(6dB's) so don't get power hungry. At 256 watts you have added 3s units to get 3 more it gets crazy, 16,000watts!
I personally would not recommend the Midnight Special line if you're going to talk SSB. They are class C biased, even though they have the SSB delay. I had the 700 model, and heard nothing but complaints about my crunchy crispy audio. That was with a low drive Grant XL. That's just my experience, your mileage may vary.
Radio's SWR meter, and alarm are saying high, but externally the swr is good between the radio and amp
Radio's SWR meter, and alarm are saying high, but externally the swr is good between the radio and amp, and amp and antenna.