Well he tried to soak me for 325.00 to fix my johnson 4740 knowing that I'm on a limited income. He finally lowered it but still....
First-off, I do not know Mike and I do not know anyone on this forum.
Was the Johnson 4740 in original condition and just broke-down for unknown reasons?
Or, did it brake-down after someone else had already "tinkered" with it and Mike had to dig into to it and do extensive troubleshooting to determine the problem?
An old friend of my Father was a professional locksmith and he had a series of pictures hanging on the wall of a damaged (beyond repair) door lock on a car after several attempts to unlock the door when the key was left in the ignition.
1st photo was of the owner using a coat hanger and damaging the window seal and scratching the paint.
2nd photo of a friend using the coat hanger and screwdriver with zero results and more damage.
3rd photo of a Police Officer using a Slim-Jim with zero results and more damage to the window seal.
4th photo of a AAA Serviceman using a coat hanger and a Slim Jim with zero results.
5th photo is of the locksmith drilling into the door lock and destroying the lock.
The caption at the bottom of the 5th photo was; "This job would have cost much less if you would have called me first because I could have saved the paint, window seal and the lock".
What this translates to is; take / send your radios (cars, bicycles, computers, toasters, etc. etc.) to the professional.
I learned the hard way a few months ago when I had to send my butchered-up 2547 to a professional to be repaired. I also am on a fixed budget, but I was between a rock and a hard spot. I had to get the radio repaired no matter what the cost because it is not heavy enough of a weight to put in the bed of my truck for winter traction. The cost of the repair was one-half the cost of a new radio all because the first guy did a "hack job". Adding-up; the initial cost of the 2547, postage of shipping the radio to have extra channels and a rotary switch installed to the first "home brew" shop, return postage, postage to send the radio to the "pro", cost of repairs and return shipping, I could never recover the money I have invested.
I can understand why you felt as though you were being overcharged, but it is what it is!