That's a load of crap too.
Basically the length people are saying you have to use are multiples of a quarter wave. I run a Hexbeam. It works on 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m and 20m bands. How long should I make my coax? I actually don't have a clue how long my coax is. Its merely the length needed to get from the radio to the antenna when the mast is up at its highest plus a length for the rotator loop. SWR is 1:1 on all of the bands.
The only time that you need to use odd multiples of a quarter wave of coax is when the antenna design is using the coax as the other half of the antenna or you've done such as piss poor job of installing the antenna that it has to use the coax as a counterpoise. And this is where this old wives tale of needing to use 9ft of coax has come from - loads of people who have done piss poor antenna installations and found by using 9/18/27/36ft of coax that they can get a low SWR. The myth is therefore in their minds confirmed and they assume it must be true because they don't have the knowledge to understand why it isn't and why they're seeing the results they are.
M0GVZ, your Hex may work perfectly on all the bands just as you note above, but a lot of guys operating CB type antennas experience problems associated with CMC, and they are just looking for a little help with what they have around 27 mhz if there are any simple solutions.
Experts often suggest to these guys to fix their antennas or maybe tune them better...and then they too can make similar claims as you do above. IMO this is not always of much help to guys without some good prior understanding, experience, or knowledge to fix their antennas...while just wanting to talk on their radios and not interfere with neighbors.
Below is a reference that is often presented to help with such problems. This guy appears to be a countryman of yours. I'm not sure about his abilities and background, but I think he tells us he has tested all the fact and details he presents. I have not heard anyone being critical regarding his work on chokes noted below. Do you have an opinion you can share about his work?
Common-mode chokes