DB, I have made and used such an antenna but always wondered and never knew what the impedence was as I don't own an analyzer.
71, a lot is written about the need for our antennas setups to show a perfect match. No one will argue that is important, but like I say in my quote in my signature line at the bottom of all of my posts,
Marconi's Moto on antennas said:
We're just lucky that Mother Nature doesn't require our antenna systems to be perfect in order to work our radio."
71, there are some esoteric comments here on these forums that might try and prove you wrong in the results you describe...but don't be concerned...your ideas here are basically right in line, and IMO has worked for millions to get talking two-way. I get your point.
Maybe you miscued on a word or two regarding some modeling principal, but modeling has a fairly steep learning curve, so again don't be concerned. If you have a question...just ask and surely someone will post an answer. The answers may be good or they may not be so good however, that is for each to consider.
Again you're doing just fine and you are not that far off the track...like I am sometimes...when trying to describe what I see in words.
I accept your thanks, but if you have questions...then please ask.
Using modeling as an example, a full length center fed dipole mounted one wavelength above earth I get a feed point impedance of a hair above 72 ohms at resonance. Making both sides five feet long instead of tuning to a resonant length, and using an inductor on both legs (not quite the same as making an actual coil, but same principle) at resonance I now get 27.7 ohms. That can change based on the inductor's design, and where on the antenna it is placed.
I get it DB, and I too agree that the impedance at the feed point of a center fed dipole high above Earth should show about 72 ohms. I think maybe a none resonant 5' long radiator, like you describe should, with a proper helix coil, provide enough extra wire to provide this short radiator to show resonance and then provide a match somewhat close to what a full length 1/4 wave shows...assuming both have suitable ground plane of course and the radials are slanted down.
Inductors on the antenna lower R, but in a mobile environment, other factors raise R.
I can only guess but I think your model must have had horizontal radials to show anywhere near <>27 ohms of resistance at the feed point when resonant.
My thought was since mobile fiberglass antennas such as the Firestick are rated at 50 ohms, using two for the legs of a dipole would result in a feedpoint impedance of either 50 ohms, or 100 ohms (since there are two).
71 consider this. Two <>102" inch elements can be setup as a dipole at resonance, it will produce a <>72 ohm feed point resistance at the feed point just like you suggest. So, IMO if two smaller FS's are 1/4 wave radiators for CB...then setting them up as a dipole should also show us a <>72 ohm feed point impedance at the feed point or close.
For this to happen and show a good match the GP radials must be slanted down and not horizontal. No amount of a helix wire coil will likely fix the mismatch for a substantially shortened 1/4 wave GP antenna.
Based on this I figure a typical mobile antenna could also turn out to see a ground plane that resembles slanted down radials...rather than the general accepted idea that mobiles reflect their GP as a flat surface...similar to horizontal radials. This is just my idea to try and explain, as best I can, what we might be seeing here.
DB, of course a helix wound coil requires its design, dimensions, and maybe placement, for it to work as intended...I don't argue any different. There might also be advantages in gain depending on the placement as well.
Since hams have been using hamstick dipoles for ages I figured this has been discussed many times and a foregone conclusion has been reached.
71, again you are right, and it does not take some esoterically worded explanation to understand that:
A 1/4 wave radiator is a 1/4 wave radiator regardless of how it is designed and constructed.