Used the k40 as a base and this is what I did. I used a 2ft. X 2ft x 1/8in. Steel plate and put the antenna on top of our aluminum Florida room. I also ran a ground rod and wire to the plate. This helped get the swr reading to a good reading across the 11 meter band. If memory serves, it was 1.1 to 1.15 across the 40 Channels. It worked okay, but I ended up installing a horizontal dipole and it just plain smoked the k40 in all aspects. They work okay for local talking but dx'ing is a chore with one. A simple inverted v or horizontal wire dipole at 20+ ft strung between 2 trees or whatever you can find, will work much better and costs about the same to make, 5-10 dollars. If you want a balun they aren't very expensive either and a whole setup can be had on eBay for less than 20 dollars shipped. I promise the effort in trying to make that k40 work well just isn't worth it IMO. There are easier options. JMO. God bless.