Time on my hands outside FTW on a nice day. Deliver tomorrow.
— We’ve covered the antenna mount problems. Not finished, but stalled in place. I’ve replaced the failed factory coax with WILSON 18’ Co-Phase Coax. Wound in four (4) ferrite toroids (MIX 31 & 61; FT-240 size) on 3.25” loops.
Radio runs thru a coax filter to the KL203 and thence to an 11-Meter Bandpass Filter.
Today, dialed-in the Wilson 2000 pair after hand-drilling condensation holes in the new ones coil cover.
Had them on HUSTLER QDs, but have removed them at only one location on one trip (antennas top out close to 14.0’).
On the 5” shafts with 49” whips fully-seated (past half-year).
RS SWR Meter showed:
01: 2.2
20: 2.5
40: 2.9
(The U-980 shows lower numbers; same trend to being long). All else bypassed.
Took a few hours (why it didn’t get done before). Made readings of seven (7) different configurations from start to finish. Took extra time to be certain all lengths were identical. (Same number of bolt thread turns, etc).
Now at the following with/without other gear in chain:
01: 1.4
20: 1.2
40: 1.1
(U-980 simply shows 1.00 or 1.10.)
This is with 10” shafts and 39” whips fully-extended.
I could cut the 49” whips and keep going as “ideal” is in between the current whip lengths. They are a tad long electrically, and the 39” are a tad short. But as I’m mainly on AM-19, it’s now where it ought to have been and thereby gud’nuff.
I ever get an Antenna Analyzer those “long” whips could get cut more exactly. I’ll re-install the QDs to test if that’d work out.
Kept forgetting to drill the coil cover once home. Corrosion had started after only a few months. Blew it out with the seat air line.
So, the convenience of the QDs is lost, the appearance is a bit different with the coils now above the roof, and it’s now easier to hit obstacles without as much flex.
But I’m sure glad to have it done.
(Edit: the addition of using also Mix 61 ferrites really made this U-980 better than I thought it’d be.)
There’s a three-car pile-up on IH20 a half-mile away. Being able to switch over to LOCAL RF Gain is mighty nice. Increase the Squelch from closed while on CH-17 and leave ANL off.
(The Sun goes up or down; I want Local or Distant; I can cut in ANL; the DSP Speaker is the mixer where that unit volume against transceiver volume is where it comes together).
DSP Speaker volume now shows about 10:00. Filtration at Noon. Radio cracked a short ways.
Anyone walking past my open window at about 10’ can clearly hear the radio and distinguish all the words.
Found the FS meter antenna. Next trip out I’ll try that while using the wireless Bearcat mic.