I'm finally getting my ticket. I'm looking for a mobile radio 2m and 70cm, but I also want one with SSB. Does this radio exist? Suggestions?
I'm curious why you would even want a 2m/70cm mobile rig with SSB.
Really?I'm curious why you would even want a 2m/70cm mobile rig with SSB.
... to get a rig that will do ssb on vhf/uhf, it will have to be as the previous poster mentioned, an all band/all mode radio... .
Well... 2m/70cm bands are pretty active. Having a tech licence I could use both. As far as SSB, I always wanted to try it, but I never had a CB/SSB radio. Now that I'm leaving CB I didn't want to buy another CB just for SSB.
not exactly correct, there are SSB only 2 meter radios being made
but, that being said, look at an IC7K, all mode VHF/UHF and all HF bands too.
Code has been dropped completely for several years now.Time to crawl out from under that rock. HI HIFirst of all good luck getting your ticket.
I've seen a huge decline in 2/70 activity over the past 20 years. SSB normally requires a base setup, Yagi and sometimes an amp and it's still going to be 99% close in contacts unless you luck into a band opening (Google tropospheric ducting). I think you'll be a little disappointed driving around trying to make 2m ssb contacts.
I'm not trying to shoot down your vhf/uhf plans but If you can still get the 5 wpm code endorsement on your tech license you would have access to 80, 40 and 15 meters hf CW portion of those bands. Much more fun than 2/70, at least for me and I believe it's a better intro to what ham radio is really all about. You can make CW contacts worldwide without waiting around for 10 meters to open up for a few hours.
When I and a lot of other hams here were first licensed back in the dark ages we banged out code on the low bands until we upgraded our licenses for phone privileges. It was a couple of years before I bought a 2m radio. And back in 1987 in Norfolk, VA 2m repeaters were very active and I made a lot of contacts on SSB from the NAVY MARS station using an 11 element Yagi and Icom IC-271A.
Anyway, just throwing that out there for thought. Once you get your license start studying for the General